//composite FK columns are in the same table so its OK
propertyHolder.addProperty( prop, columns );
protected static void defineFetchingStrategy(ToOne toOne, XProperty property) {
LazyToOne lazy = property.getAnnotation( LazyToOne.class );
Fetch fetch = property.getAnnotation( Fetch.class );
ManyToOne manyToOne = property.getAnnotation( ManyToOne.class );
OneToOne oneToOne = property.getAnnotation( OneToOne.class );
FetchType fetchType;
if ( manyToOne != null ) {
fetchType = manyToOne.fetch();
else if ( oneToOne != null ) {
fetchType = oneToOne.fetch();
else {
throw new AssertionFailure(
"Define fetch strategy on a property not annotated with @OneToMany nor @OneToOne"
if ( lazy != null ) {
toOne.setLazy( !( lazy.value() == LazyToOneOption.FALSE ) );
toOne.setUnwrapProxy( ( lazy.value() == LazyToOneOption.NO_PROXY ) );
else {
toOne.setLazy( fetchType == FetchType.LAZY );
toOne.setUnwrapProxy( false );