if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent( Formula.class ) ) {
Column ann = property.getAnnotation( Column.class );
Formula formulaAnn = property.getAnnotation( Formula.class );
columns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
new Column[] { ann }, formulaAnn, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData,
entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), mappings
else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
Columns anns = property.getAnnotation( Columns.class );
columns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
anns.columns(), null, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
//set default values if needed
if ( joinColumns == null &&
( property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToOne.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToOne.class ) )
) {
if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( JoinTable.class ) ) {
JoinTable joinTableAnn = property.getAnnotation( JoinTable.class );
joinColumns = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumns(
joinTableAnn.inverseJoinColumns(), null, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
propertyHolder, inferredData.getPropertyName(), mappings
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty( joinTableAnn.name() ) ) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"JoinTable.name() on a @ToOne association has to be explicit: "
+ StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), inferredData.getPropertyName() )
else {
OneToOne oneToOneAnn = property.getAnnotation( OneToOne.class );
String mappedBy = oneToOneAnn != null ?
oneToOneAnn.mappedBy() :
joinColumns = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumns(
(JoinColumn[]) null,
mappedBy, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
propertyHolder, inferredData.getPropertyName(), mappings
else if ( joinColumns == null &&
( property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToMany.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class ) ) ) {
OneToMany oneToMany = property.getAnnotation( OneToMany.class );
String mappedBy = oneToMany != null ?
oneToMany.mappedBy() :
joinColumns = Ejb3JoinColumn.buildJoinColumns(
(JoinColumn[]) null,
mappedBy, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(),
propertyHolder, inferredData.getPropertyName(), mappings
else if ( joinColumns == null && property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.Any.class ) ) {
throw new AnnotationException( "@Any requires an explicit @JoinColumn(s): "
+ StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), property.getName() ) );
if ( columns == null && !property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToMany.class ) ) {
//useful for collection of embedded elements
columns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
null, null, nullability, propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder.getSecondaryTables(), mappings
if ( nullability == Nullability.FORCED_NOT_NULL ) {
//force columns to not null
for (Ejb3Column col : columns) {
final XClass returnedClass = inferredData.getClassOrElement();
if ( !entityBinder.isIgnoreIdAnnotations() &&
( property.isAnnotationPresent( Id.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class ) ) ) {
if ( isIdentifierMapper ) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"@IdClass class should not have @Id nor @EmbeddedId properties"
log.debug( "{} is an id", inferredData.getPropertyName() );
//clone classGenerator and override with local values
HashMap<String, IdGenerator> localGenerators = (HashMap<String, IdGenerator>) classGenerators.clone();
localGenerators.putAll( buildLocalGenerators( property, mappings ) );
//manage composite related metadata
//guess if its a component and find id data access (property, field etc)
final boolean isComponent = returnedClass.isAnnotationPresent( Embeddable.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( EmbeddedId.class );
boolean propertyAnnotated = entityBinder.isPropertyAnnotated( returnedClass );
String propertyAccessor = entityBinder.getPropertyAccessor( returnedClass );
//if ( isComponent && embeddableAnn != null && embeddableAnn.access() == AccessType.FIELD ) propertyAccess = false;
GeneratedValue generatedValue = property.getAnnotation( GeneratedValue.class );
String generatorType = generatedValue != null ?
generatorType( generatedValue.strategy() ) :
String generator = generatedValue != null ?
generatedValue.generator() :
if ( isComponent ) generatorType = "assigned"; //a component must not have any generator
Type typeAnn = property.getAnnotation( Type.class );
propertyAccessor, entityBinder,
isIdentifierMapper, mappings
"Bind {} on {}", ( isComponent ? "@EmbeddedId" : "@Id" ), inferredData.getPropertyName()
else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Version.class ) ) {
if ( isIdentifierMapper ) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"@IdClass class should not have @Version property"
if ( !( propertyHolder.getPersistentClass() instanceof RootClass ) ) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"Unable to define/override @Version on a subclass: "
+ propertyHolder.getEntityName()
if ( ! propertyHolder.isEntity() ) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"Unable to define @Version on an embedded class: "
+ propertyHolder.getEntityName()
log.debug( "{} is a version property", inferredData.getPropertyName() );
RootClass rootClass = (RootClass) propertyHolder.getPersistentClass();
PropertyBinder propBinder = new PropertyBinder();
propBinder.setName( inferredData.getPropertyName() );
propBinder.setReturnedClassName( inferredData.getTypeName() );
propBinder.setLazy( false );
propBinder.setPropertyAccessorName( inferredData.getDefaultAccess() );
propBinder.setColumns( columns );
propBinder.setHolder( propertyHolder ); //PropertyHolderBuilder.buildPropertyHolder(rootClass)
propBinder.setProperty( property );
propBinder.setReturnedClass( inferredData.getPropertyClass() );
propBinder.setMappings( mappings );
Property prop = propBinder.bind();
rootClass.setVersion( prop );
SimpleValue simpleValue = (SimpleValue) prop.getValue();
if ( !simpleValue.isTypeSpecified() ) simpleValue.setTypeName( "integer" );
simpleValue.setNullValue( "undefined" );
rootClass.setOptimisticLockMode( Versioning.OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_VERSION );
"Version name: {}, unsavedValue: {}", rootClass.getVersion().getName(),
( (SimpleValue) rootClass.getVersion().getValue() ).getNullValue()
else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToOne.class ) ) {
ManyToOne ann = property.getAnnotation( ManyToOne.class );
//check validity
if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @ManyToOne property: "
+ StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), inferredData.getPropertyName() ) );
Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals( NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null && OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
JoinTable assocTable = property.getAnnotation( JoinTable.class );
if ( assocTable != null ) {
Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
getCascadeStrategy( ann.cascade(), hibernateCascade ),
ignoreNotFound, onDeleteCascade,
mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( ann.targetEntity() ),
inferredData, false, isIdentifierMapper, inSecondPass, mappings
else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToOne.class ) ) {
OneToOne ann = property.getAnnotation( OneToOne.class );
//check validity
if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @OneToOne property: "
+ StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), inferredData.getPropertyName() ) );
//FIXME support a proper PKJCs
boolean trueOneToOne = property.isAnnotationPresent( PrimaryKeyJoinColumn.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( PrimaryKeyJoinColumns.class );
Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals( NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null && OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
JoinTable assocTable = property.getAnnotation( JoinTable.class );
if ( assocTable != null ) {
Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
getCascadeStrategy( ann.cascade(), hibernateCascade ),
getFetchMode( ann.fetch() ),
ignoreNotFound, onDeleteCascade,
mappings.getReflectionManager().toXClass( ann.targetEntity() ),
inferredData, ann.mappedBy(), trueOneToOne, isIdentifierMapper, inSecondPass, mappings
else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( org.hibernate.annotations.Any.class ) ) {
//check validity
if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( Columns.class ) ) {
throw new AnnotationException( "@Column(s) not allowed on a @Any property: "
+ StringHelper.qualify( propertyHolder.getPath(), inferredData.getPropertyName() ) );
Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals( NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
OnDelete onDeleteAnn = property.getAnnotation( OnDelete.class );
boolean onDeleteCascade = onDeleteAnn != null && OnDeleteAction.CASCADE.equals( onDeleteAnn.action() );
JoinTable assocTable = property.getAnnotation( JoinTable.class );
if ( assocTable != null ) {
Join join = propertyHolder.addJoin( assocTable, false );
for (Ejb3JoinColumn joinColumn : joinColumns) {
joinColumn.setSecondaryTableName( join.getTable().getName() );
bindAny( getCascadeStrategy( null, hibernateCascade ), //@Any has not cascade attribute
joinColumns, onDeleteCascade, nullability,
propertyHolder, inferredData, entityBinder,
isIdentifierMapper, mappings );
else if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( OneToMany.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToMany.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( CollectionOfElements.class )
|| property.isAnnotationPresent( ManyToAny.class ) ) {
OneToMany oneToManyAnn = property.getAnnotation( OneToMany.class );
ManyToMany manyToManyAnn = property.getAnnotation( ManyToMany.class );
CollectionOfElements collectionOfElementsAnn = property.getAnnotation( CollectionOfElements.class );
org.hibernate.annotations.IndexColumn indexAnn = property.getAnnotation(
JoinTable assocTable = property.getAnnotation( JoinTable.class );
IndexColumn indexColumn = IndexColumn.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
indexAnn, propertyHolder, inferredData, mappings
CollectionBinder collectionBinder = CollectionBinder.getCollectionBinder(
collectionBinder.setIndexColumn( indexColumn );
MapKey mapKeyAnn = property.getAnnotation( MapKey.class );
collectionBinder.setMapKey( mapKeyAnn );
collectionBinder.setPropertyName( inferredData.getPropertyName() );
BatchSize batchAnn = property.getAnnotation( BatchSize.class );
collectionBinder.setBatchSize( batchAnn );
javax.persistence.OrderBy ejb3OrderByAnn = property.getAnnotation( javax.persistence.OrderBy.class );
OrderBy orderByAnn = property.getAnnotation( OrderBy.class );
collectionBinder.setEjb3OrderBy( ejb3OrderByAnn );
collectionBinder.setSqlOrderBy( orderByAnn );
Sort sortAnn = property.getAnnotation( Sort.class );
collectionBinder.setSort( sortAnn );
Cache cachAnn = property.getAnnotation( Cache.class );
collectionBinder.setCache( cachAnn );
collectionBinder.setPropertyHolder( propertyHolder );
Cascade hibernateCascade = property.getAnnotation( Cascade.class );
NotFound notFound = property.getAnnotation( NotFound.class );
boolean ignoreNotFound = notFound != null && notFound.action().equals( NotFoundAction.IGNORE );
collectionBinder.setIgnoreNotFound( ignoreNotFound );
collectionBinder.setCollectionType( inferredData.getProperty().getElementClass() );
collectionBinder.setMappings( mappings );
collectionBinder.setPropertyAccessorName( inferredData.getDefaultAccess() );
Ejb3Column[] elementColumns = null;
PropertyData virtualProperty = new WrappedInferredData( inferredData, "element" );
if ( property.isAnnotationPresent( Column.class ) || property.isAnnotationPresent(
) ) {
Column ann = property.getAnnotation( Column.class );
Formula formulaAnn = property.getAnnotation( Formula.class );
elementColumns = Ejb3Column.buildColumnFromAnnotation(
new Column[] { ann },