new ForeignKeys.Nullifier( entity, false, useIdentityColumn, source )
.nullifyTransientReferences( values, types );
new Nullability( source ).checkNullability( values, persister, false );
if ( useIdentityColumn ) {
EntityIdentityInsertAction insert = new EntityIdentityInsertAction(
values, entity, persister, source, shouldDelayIdentityInserts
if ( !shouldDelayIdentityInserts ) {
log.debug( "executing identity-insert immediately" );
source.getActionQueue().execute( insert );
id = insert.getGeneratedId();
//now done in EntityIdentityInsertAction
//persister.setIdentifier( entity, id, source.getEntityMode() );
key = new EntityKey( id, persister, source.getEntityMode() );
source.getPersistenceContext().checkUniqueness( key, entity );
//source.getBatcher().executeBatch(); //found another way to ensure that all batched joined inserts have been executed
else {
log.debug( "delaying identity-insert due to no transaction in progress" );
source.getActionQueue().addAction( insert );
key = insert.getDelayedEntityKey();
Object version = Versioning.getVersion( values, persister );