throw new SemanticException( "The [] operator cannot be applied to type " + type.toString() );
String collectionRole = ( ( CollectionType ) type ).getRole();
QueryableCollection queryableCollection = sessionFactoryHelper.requireQueryableCollection( collectionRole );
if ( !queryableCollection.hasIndex() ) {
throw new QueryException( "unindexed fromElement before []: " + collectionNode.getPath() );
// Generate the inner join -- The elements need to be joined to the collection they are in.
FromElement fromElement = collectionNode.getFromElement();
String elementTable = fromElement.getTableAlias();
FromClause fromClause = fromElement.getFromClause();
String path = collectionNode.getPath();
FromElement elem = fromClause.findCollectionJoin( path );
if ( elem == null ) {
FromElementFactory factory = new FromElementFactory( fromClause, fromElement, path );
elem = factory.createCollectionElementsJoin( queryableCollection, elementTable );
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "No FROM element found for the elements of collection join path " + path
+ ", created " + elem );
else {
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() ) {
log.debug( "FROM element found for collection join path " + path );
// Add the condition to the join sequence that qualifies the indexed element.
AST index = collectionNode.getNextSibling(); // The index should be a constant, which will have been processed already.
if ( index == null ) {
throw new QueryException( "No index value!" );
setFromElement( fromElement ); // The 'from element' that represents the elements of the collection.
// Sometimes use the element table alias, sometimes use the... umm... collection table alias (many to many)
String collectionTableAlias = elementTable;
if ( elem.getCollectionTableAlias() != null ) {
collectionTableAlias = elem.getCollectionTableAlias();
// TODO: get SQL rendering out of here, create an AST for the join expressions.
// Use the SQL generator grammar to generate the SQL text for the index expression.
JoinSequence joinSequence = fromElement.getJoinSequence();
String[] indexCols = queryableCollection.getIndexColumnNames();
if ( indexCols.length != 1 ) {
throw new QueryException( "composite-index appears in []: " + collectionNode.getPath() );
SqlGenerator gen = new SqlGenerator( getSessionFactoryHelper().getFactory() );
try {
gen.simpleExpr( index ); //TODO: used to be exprNoParens! was this needed?
catch ( RecognitionException e ) {
throw new QueryException( e.getMessage(), e );
String expression = gen.getSQL();
joinSequence.addCondition( collectionTableAlias + '.' + indexCols[0] + " = " + expression );
// Now, set the text for this node. It should be the element columns.