private String getProbableSolutionOrCause(Throwable re) {
if(re==null) return null;
if(re instanceof MappingNotFoundException) {
MappingNotFoundException mnf = (MappingNotFoundException)re;
if("resource".equals(mnf.getType())) {
return "A " + mnf.getType() + " located at " + mnf.getPath() + " was not found.\n" +
"Check the following:\n" +
"\n" +
"1) Is the spelling/casing correct ?\n" +
"2) Is " + mnf.getPath() + " available via the classpath ?\n" +
"3) Does it actually exist ?\n";
} else {
return "A " + mnf.getType() + " located at " + mnf.getPath() + " was not found.\n" +
"Check the following:\n" +
"\n" +
"1) Is the spelling/casing correct ?\n" +
"2) Do you permission to access " + mnf.getPath() + " ?\n" +
"3) Does it actually exist ?\n";
if(re instanceof ClassNotFoundException || re instanceof NoClassDefFoundError) {