// Bind the filters
Iterator filters = manyToManyNode.elementIterator( "filter" );
if ( ( filters.hasNext() || whereCondition != null ) &&
collection.getFetchMode() == FetchMode.JOIN &&
collection.getElement().getFetchMode() != FetchMode.JOIN ) {
throw new MappingException(
"many-to-many defining filter or where without join fetching " +
"not valid within collection using join fetching [" + collection.getRole() + "]"
while ( filters.hasNext() ) {
final Element filterElement = ( Element ) filters.next();
final String name = filterElement.attributeValue( "name" );
String condition = filterElement.getTextTrim();
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) condition = filterElement.attributeValue( "condition" );
if ( StringHelper.isEmpty(condition) ) {
condition = model.getFilterDefinition(name).getDefaultFilterCondition();
if ( condition==null) {
throw new MappingException("no filter condition found for filter: " + name);
"Applying many-to-many filter [" + name +
"] as [" + condition +
"] to role [" + collection.getRole() + "]"