throw new MappingException( "Unable to find entity: " + value.getReferencedEntityName() );
otherSideProperty = BinderHelper.findPropertyByName( otherSide, mappedBy );
catch (MappingException e) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"Unknown mappedBy in: " + StringHelper.qualify( ownerEntity, ownerProperty )
+ ", referenced property unknown: "
+ StringHelper.qualify( value.getReferencedEntityName(), mappedBy )
if ( otherSideProperty == null ) {
throw new AnnotationException(
"Unknown mappedBy in: " + StringHelper.qualify( ownerEntity, ownerProperty )
+ ", referenced property unknown: "
+ StringHelper.qualify( value.getReferencedEntityName(), mappedBy )
if ( otherSideProperty.getValue() instanceof OneToOne ) {
propertyHolder.addProperty( prop, inferredData.getDeclaringClass() );
else if ( otherSideProperty.getValue() instanceof ManyToOne ) {
Iterator it = otherSide.getJoinIterator();
Join otherSideJoin = null;
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
Join otherSideJoinValue = (Join);
if ( otherSideJoinValue.containsProperty( otherSideProperty ) ) {
otherSideJoin = otherSideJoinValue;
if ( otherSideJoin != null ) {
//@OneToOne @JoinTable
Join mappedByJoin = buildJoinFromMappedBySide(
(PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get( ownerEntity ), otherSideProperty, otherSideJoin
ManyToOne manyToOne = new ManyToOne( mappings, mappedByJoin.getTable() );
//FIXME use ignore not found here
manyToOne.setIgnoreNotFound( ignoreNotFound );
manyToOne.setCascadeDeleteEnabled( value.isCascadeDeleteEnabled() );
manyToOne.setEmbedded( value.isEmbedded() );
manyToOne.setFetchMode( value.getFetchMode() );
manyToOne.setLazy( value.isLazy() );
manyToOne.setReferencedEntityName( value.getReferencedEntityName() );
manyToOne.setUnwrapProxy( value.isUnwrapProxy() );
prop.setValue( manyToOne );
Iterator otherSideJoinKeyColumns = otherSideJoin.getKey().getColumnIterator();
while ( otherSideJoinKeyColumns.hasNext() ) {
Column column = (Column);
Column copy = new Column();
copy.setLength( column.getLength() );
copy.setScale( column.getScale() );
copy.setValue( manyToOne );
copy.setName( column.getQuotedName() );
copy.setNullable( column.isNullable() );
copy.setPrecision( column.getPrecision() );
copy.setUnique( column.isUnique() );
copy.setSqlType( column.getSqlType() );
copy.setCheckConstraint( column.getCheckConstraint() );
copy.setComment( column.getComment() );
copy.setDefaultValue( column.getDefaultValue() );
manyToOne.addColumn( copy );
mappedByJoin.addProperty( prop );
else {
propertyHolder.addProperty( prop, inferredData.getDeclaringClass() );
value.setReferencedPropertyName( mappedBy );
String propertyRef = value.getReferencedPropertyName();
if ( propertyRef != null ) {
else {
throw new AnnotationException(
"Referenced property not a (One|Many)ToOne: "
+ StringHelper.qualify(
otherSide.getEntityName(), mappedBy
+ " in mappedBy of "