
Examples of

    public void testResolvePackageDefaultJava() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL rootUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/java" );
        final nioRootPath = fs.getPath( rootUrl.toURI() );
        final Path rootPath = paths.convert( nioRootPath );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/java" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test /src/main/java resolves as the default package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertEquals( rootPath.toURI(),
                      result.getPackageMainSrcPath().toURI() );
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    public void testResolvePackageDefaultResources() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL rootUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/resources" );
        final nioRootPath = fs.getPath( rootUrl.toURI() );
        final Path rootPath = paths.convert( nioRootPath );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/resources" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test /src/main/resources resolves as the default package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertEquals( rootPath.toURI(),
                      result.getPackageMainResourcesPath().toURI() );
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    public void testResolvePackageWithJavaFileInDefaultPackage() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL rootUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/java" );
        final nioRootPath = fs.getPath( rootUrl.toURI() );
        final Path rootPath = paths.convert( nioRootPath );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/java/" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a Java file resolves to the containing package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertEquals( rootPath.toURI(),
                      result.getPackageMainSrcPath().toURI() );
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    public void testResolvePackageWithJavaFileInSubPackage() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL rootUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/java/org/kie/test" );
        final nioRootPath = fs.getPath( rootUrl.toURI() );
        final Path rootPath = paths.convert( nioRootPath );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/java/org/kie/test/" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a Java file resolves to the containing package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertEquals( rootPath.toURI(),
                      result.getPackageMainSrcPath().toURI() );
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    public void testResolvePackageWithResourcesFileInDefaultPackage() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL rootUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/resources" );
        final nioRootPath = fs.getPath( rootUrl.toURI() );
        final Path rootPath = paths.convert( nioRootPath );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/resources/rule1.drl" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a Resources file resolves to the containing package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertEquals( rootPath.toURI(),
                      result.getPackageMainResourcesPath().toURI() );
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    public void testResolvePackageWithResourcesFileInSubPackage() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL rootUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/resources/org/kie/test" );
        final nioRootPath = fs.getPath( rootUrl.toURI() );
        final Path rootPath = paths.convert( nioRootPath );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/resources/org/kie/test/rule1.drl" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a Resources file resolves to the containing package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertEquals( rootPath.toURI(),
                      result.getPackageMainResourcesPath().toURI() );
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    public void testResolvePackageWithPOMFile() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/pom.xml" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a kModule.xml file resolves to a null package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertNull( result );
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    public void testResolvePackageWithKModuleFile() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/src/main/resources/META-INF/kmodule.xml" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a kModule.xml file resolves to a null package
        final Package result = projectService.resolvePackage( testPath );
        assertNull( result );
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    public void testIsPOMFileWithPOMFile() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/pom.xml" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a kModule.xml file resolves to a null package
        final boolean result = projectService.isPom( testPath );
        assertTrue( result );
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    public void testIsPOMFileWithNonPOMFile() throws Exception {

        final Bean projectServiceBean = (Bean) beanManager.getBeans( ProjectService.class ).iterator().next();
        final CreationalContext cc = beanManager.createCreationalContext( projectServiceBean );
        final ProjectService projectService = (ProjectService) beanManager.getReference( projectServiceBean,
                                                                                         cc );

        final URL testUrl = this.getClass().getResource( "/ProjectBackendTestProjectStructureValid/project.imports" );
        final nioTestPath = fs.getPath( testUrl.toURI() );
        final Path testPath = paths.convert( nioTestPath );

        //Test a kModule.xml file resolves to a null package
        final boolean result = projectService.isPom( testPath );
        assertFalse( result );
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