return null;
private String uploadFile( final FormData uploadItem ) throws IOException {
InputStream fileData = uploadItem.getFile().getInputStream();
GAV gav = uploadItem.getGav();
try {
if ( gav == null ) {
if ( !fileData.markSupported() ) {
fileData = new BufferedInputStream( fileData );
// is available() safe?
fileData.mark( fileData.available() );
//Attempt to load JAR's POM information from it's pom.xml file
PomModel pomModel = null;
try {
String pomXML = GuvnorM2Repository.loadPOMFromJar( fileData );
if ( pomXML != null ) {
pomModel = PomModel.Parser.parse( "pom.xml",
new ByteArrayInputStream( pomXML.getBytes() ) );
} catch ( Exception e ) { "Failed to parse pom.xml for GAV information. Falling back to",
e );
//Attempt to load JAR's POM information from it's file
if ( pomModel == null ) {
try {
String pomProperties = GuvnorM2Repository.loadPOMPropertiesFromJar( fileData );
if ( pomProperties != null ) {
final ReleaseId releaseId = ReleaseIdImpl.fromPropertiesString( pomProperties );
if ( releaseId != null ) {
pomModel = new PomModel();
pomModel.setReleaseId( releaseId );
} catch ( Exception e ) { "Failed to parse for GAV information." );
//If we were able to get a POM model we can get the GAV
if ( pomModel != null ) {
String groupId = pomModel.getReleaseId().getGroupId();
String artifactId = pomModel.getReleaseId().getArtifactId();
String version = pomModel.getReleaseId().getVersion();
if ( isNullOrEmpty( groupId ) || isNullOrEmpty( artifactId ) || isNullOrEmpty( version ) ) {
return NO_VALID_POM;
} else {
gav = new GAV( groupId,
version );
} else {