long flushed = cache_space_free - old_free;
if (Logger.isEnabled()) {
TOTorrentFile tf = file.getTorrentFile();
TOTorrent torrent = tf == null ? null : tf.getTorrent();
Logger.log(new LogEvent(torrent, LOGID,
"DiskCache: cache full, flushed " + flushed + " from "
+ oldest_file.getName()));
if ( flushed == 0 ){
if ( cache_entries.size() > 0 &&
(CacheEntry)cache_entries.keySet().iterator().next() == oldest_entry ){
// hmm, something wrong with cache as the flush should have got rid
// of at least the oldest entry
throw( new CacheFileManagerException( null, "Cache inconsistent: 0 flushed"));
CacheEntry entry = new CacheEntry( entry_type, file, buffer, file_position, length );
if (log && Logger.isEnabled()) {
TOTorrentFile tf = file.getTorrentFile();
TOTorrent torrent = tf == null ? null : tf.getTorrent();
Logger.log(new LogEvent(torrent, LOGID, "DiskCache: cr="
+ cache_bytes_read + ",cw=" + cache_bytes_written + ",fr="
+ file_bytes_read + ",fw=" + file_bytes_written));