//set the value of a child
rootNode.setValueOfChild(SAMPLE_NAME_1, "myValue");
//verify it was set properly
SettingsNode childNode1 = rootNode.getChildNode(SAMPLE_NAME_1);
assertEquals("myValue", childNode1.getValue());
//make sure there's only 1 child.
children = rootNode.getChildNodes();
assertEquals(1, children.size());
//set the value again. This should set the value and NOT add an additional node
rootNode.setValueOfChild(SAMPLE_NAME_1, "newvalue");
childNode1 = rootNode.getChildNode(SAMPLE_NAME_1);
assertEquals("newvalue", childNode1.getValue());
//make sure there's still only 1 child.
children = rootNode.getChildNodes();
assertEquals(1, children.size());