
Examples of$EditibleFavoriteTask

     * This verifies that the serialization mechanism corrects the extension so that it is correct. We'll save a file with the wrong extension. The save mechanism should save it with the correct
     * extension appended to the end (leaving the wrong extension in tact, just not at the end).
    public void testEnsureFileHasCorrectExtension() {
        FavoritesEditor originalEditor = new FavoritesEditor();


        //add a favorite
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask1 = originalEditor.addFavorite(mySubProject1Comple, true);

        //specify a wrong extension. It should actually end in ".favorite-tasks"
        File incorrectFile = tempDir.createFile("fred.wrong");
        File correctFile = new File(incorrectFile.getParentFile(), incorrectFile.getName() + ".favorite-tasks");

        //Make sure the correct file doesn't already exist before we've even done our test. This is highly unlikely, but it might happen.
        //Technically, I should place these in a new temporary directory, but I didn't want the hassle of cleanup.
        if (correctFile.exists()) {
            throw new AssertionError("'correct' file already exists. This means this test WILL succeed but perhaps not for the correct reasons.");

        //do the export
        originalEditor.exportToFile(new TestUtility.TestExportInteraction(incorrectFile, true)); //confirm overwrite because the above function actually creates the file.

        //it should have been saved to the correct file
        if (!correctFile.exists()) {
            throw new AssertionError("failed to correct the file name. Expected it to be saved to '" + correctFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");

        //now read in the file to verify it actually worked.
        FavoritesEditor newEditor = new FavoritesEditor();
        newEditor.importFromFile(new TestUtility.TestImportInteraction(correctFile));

        FavoriteTask readInFavoriteTask = newEditor.getFavoriteTasks().get(0);
        assertFavorite(readInFavoriteTask, favoriteTask1);
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     * This confirms that overwriting a file requires confirmation. We'll create a file (just by creating a temporary file), then try to save to it.
    public void testConfirmOverwrite() {  //we should be prompted to confirm overwriting an existing file.

        FavoritesEditor originalEditor = new FavoritesEditor();


        //add a favorite
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask1 = originalEditor.addFavorite(mySubProject1Comple, true);

        File file = tempDir.createFile("test.favorite-tasks");

        //make sure the file exists, so we know our save will be overwritting something.

        long originalSize = file.length();

        TestOverwriteConfirmExportInteraction exportInteraction = new TestOverwriteConfirmExportInteraction(file, false);

        //do the export

        //make sure we were prompted to confirm overwriting

        //make sure the size didn't change. This means we didn't write to it.
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     * This tests duplicating a single favorite. First, we'll create some, then duplicate one.
    public void testDuplicateSingleFavorite() {
        FavoritesEditor editor = new FavoritesEditor();

        //add some tasks
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask1 = editor.addFavorite(mySubProject1Comple, true);
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask2 = editor.addFavorite(mySubSubProjectLib, false);
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask3 = editor.addFavorite(mySubSubProjectDoc, false);

        //now change the display names and the alwaysShowOutput field, just so we can verify that all fields are copied.
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask1, "name1", false);
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask2, "name2", true);
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask3, "name3", false);

        //duplicate a single task
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask4 = editor.duplicateFavorite(favoriteTask1, new TestEditFavoriteInteraction("name4", "command4"));
        Assert.assertEquals("command4", favoriteTask4.getFullCommandLine());
        Assert.assertEquals("name4", favoriteTask4.getDisplayName());
        Assert.assertEquals(favoriteTask1.alwaysShowOutput(), favoriteTask4.alwaysShowOutput());

        //there should be 4 tasks now
        Assert.assertEquals(4, editor.getFavoriteTasks().size());

        //now duplicate another one
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask5 = editor.duplicateFavorite(favoriteTask2, new TestEditFavoriteInteraction("name5", "command5"));
        Assert.assertEquals("command5", favoriteTask5.getFullCommandLine());
        Assert.assertEquals("name5", favoriteTask5.getDisplayName());
        Assert.assertEquals(favoriteTask2.alwaysShowOutput(), favoriteTask5.alwaysShowOutput());

        //there should be 5 tasks now
        Assert.assertEquals(5, editor.getFavoriteTasks().size());
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     * This tests duplicating multiple favorites at once. First, we'll create some, then duplicate them.
    public void testDuplicatingMultipleFavorites() {
        FavoritesEditor editor = new FavoritesEditor();

        //add some tasks
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask1 = editor.addFavorite(mySubProject1Comple, true);
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask2 = editor.addFavorite(mySubSubProjectLib, false);
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask3 = editor.addFavorite(mySubSubProjectDoc, false);

        //now change the display names and the alwaysShowOutput field, just so we can verify that all fields are copied.
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask1, "name1", false);
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask2, "name2", true);
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask3, "name3", false);

        //get the ones to dupicate in a list
        List<FavoriteTask> tasksToCopy = new ArrayList<FavoriteTask>();

        //now perform the duplication
        editor.duplicateFavorites(tasksToCopy, new TestEditFavoriteInteraction(new NameAndCommand("newname1", "newcommand1"),
                new NameAndCommand("newname2", "newcommand2")));

        //there should be 5 tasks now
        Assert.assertEquals(5, editor.getFavoriteTasks().size());

        //the 4th one (3 from index 0) should be the same as the first one
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask4 = editor.getFavoriteTasks().get(3);

        Assert.assertEquals("newcommand1", favoriteTask4.getFullCommandLine());
        Assert.assertEquals("newname1", favoriteTask4.getDisplayName());
        Assert.assertEquals(favoriteTask1.alwaysShowOutput(), favoriteTask4.alwaysShowOutput());

        //the 5th one (4 from index 0) should be the same as the second one
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask5 = editor.getFavoriteTasks().get(4);
        Assert.assertEquals("newcommand2", favoriteTask5.getFullCommandLine());
        Assert.assertEquals("newname2", favoriteTask5.getDisplayName());
        Assert.assertEquals(favoriteTask2.alwaysShowOutput(), favoriteTask5.alwaysShowOutput());
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     * duplicate them.
    public void testDuplicatingMultipleFavoritesAndCanceling() {

        FavoritesEditor editor = new FavoritesEditor();

        //add some tasks
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask1 = editor.addFavorite(mySubProject1Comple, true);
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask2 = editor.addFavorite(mySubSubProjectLib, false);
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask3 = editor.addFavorite(mySubSubProjectDoc, false);

        //now change the display names and the alwaysShowOutput field, just so we can verify that all fields are copied.
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask1, "name1", false);
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask2, "name2", true);
        editFavorite(editor, favoriteTask3, "name3", false);

        //get the ones to duplicate in a list
        List<FavoriteTask> tasksToCopy = new ArrayList<FavoriteTask>();

        //now perform the duplication, we only pass in one NameAndCommand but we're editing 2. This makes it cancel the second one.
        editor.duplicateFavorites(tasksToCopy, new TestEditFavoriteInteraction(new NameAndCommand("newname1", "newcommand1")));

        //there should be 4 tasks now
        Assert.assertNotSame("Failed to cancel", 5, editor.getFavoriteTasks().size()); //this just provides a better error if this fails to cancel
        Assert.assertEquals(4, editor.getFavoriteTasks().size());

        //the 4th one (3 from index 0) should be the same as the first one
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask4 = editor.getFavoriteTasks().get(3);

        Assert.assertEquals("newcommand1", favoriteTask4.getFullCommandLine());
        Assert.assertEquals("newname1", favoriteTask4.getDisplayName());
        Assert.assertEquals(favoriteTask1.alwaysShowOutput(), favoriteTask4.alwaysShowOutput());
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     * This creates favorites, saves them to a file, then reads them from that file.
    public void testSavingRestoringFavorites() {
        FavoritesEditor originalEditor = new FavoritesEditor();


        //add some tasks
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask1 = originalEditor.addFavorite(mySubProject1Comple, true);
        FavoriteTask favoriteTask2 = originalEditor.addFavorite(mySubSubProjectLib, false);

        //now change the display name so its not the same as the full name, just so know each field is working.
        originalEditor.editFavorite(favoriteTask1, new FavoritesEditor.EditFavoriteInteraction() {
            public boolean editFavorite(FavoritesEditor.EditibleFavoriteTask favoriteTask) {
                favoriteTask.displayName = "favorite 1";
                return true;

            public void reportError(String error) {
                throw new AssertionError("Unexpected error");

        //make sure they were added properly
        FavoriteTask originalFavoriteTask1 = originalEditor.getFavoriteTasks().get(0);
        assertFavorite(originalFavoriteTask1, "mysubproject1:compile", "favorite 1", true);

        FavoriteTask originalFavoriteTask2 = originalEditor.getFavoriteTasks().get(1);
        assertFavorite(originalFavoriteTask2, "mysubproject1:mysubsubproject:lib", "mysubproject1:mysubsubproject:lib", false);

        File file = tempDir.createFile("fred.favorite-tasks");
        originalEditor.exportToFile(new TestUtility.TestExportInteraction(file, true)); //confirm overwrite because the above function actually creates the file.

        FavoritesEditor newEditor = new FavoritesEditor();
        newEditor.importFromFile(new TestUtility.TestImportInteraction(file));

        //make sure they're the same
        FavoriteTask readInFavoriteTask1 = originalEditor.getFavoriteTasks().get(0);
        assertFavorite(readInFavoriteTask1, originalFavoriteTask1);

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        public void settingsChanged();

    public GradlePluginLord() {
        favoritesEditor = new FavoritesEditor();

        //create the queue that executes the commands. The contents of this interaction are where we actually launch gradle.

        currentDirectory = SystemProperties.getCurrentDir();

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Related Classes of$EditibleFavoriteTask

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