PoolMetaData pmd = registry.getPoolMetaData(poolInfo);
defaultPrin = pmd.getResourcePrincipal();
private void validateResourceAndPool() throws ResourceException {
ResourceInfo resourceInfo = this.resourceInfo;
ResourcesUtil resourcesUtil = ResourcesUtil.createInstance();
ConnectorRuntime runtime = ConnectorRuntime.getRuntime();
ConnectorRegistry registry = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance();
// adding a perf. optimization check so that "config-bean" is not accessed at all for
// cases where the resource is enabled (deployed). Only for cases where resource
// is not available, we look further and determine whether resource/resource-ref
// are disabled.
if (!registry.isResourceDeployed(resourceInfo)) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST,"resourceInfo not found in connector-registry : " + resourceInfo);
boolean isDefaultResource = false;
boolean isSunRAResource = false;
ConnectorDescriptor descriptor = registry.getDescriptor(rarName);
if (descriptor != null) {
isDefaultResource = descriptor.getDefaultResourcesNames().contains(resourceInfo.getName());
if (descriptor.getSunDescriptor() != null) {
com.sun.enterprise.deployment.runtime.connector.ResourceAdapter rar =
if (rar != null) {
String sunRAJndiName = (String)
isSunRAResource = resourceInfo.getName().equals(sunRAJndiName);
if ((runtime.isServer() || runtime.isEmbedded()) &&
(!resourceInfo.getName().contains(ConnectorConstants.DATASOURCE_DEFINITION_JNDINAME_PREFIX) &&
(!isDefaultResource) && (!isSunRAResource))) {
// performance optimization so that resource configuration is not retrieved from
// resources config bean each time.
if (resourceConfiguration == null) {
resourceConfiguration =
(BindableResource) resourcesUtil.getResource(resourceInfo, BindableResource.class);
if (resourceConfiguration == null) {
String suffix = ConnectorsUtil.getValidSuffix(resourceInfo.getName());
// it is possible that the resource is a __PM or __NONTX suffixed resource used by JPA/EJB Container
// check for the enabled status and existence using non-prefixed resource-name
if (suffix != null) {
String nonPrefixedName = resourceInfo.getName().substring(0, resourceInfo.getName().lastIndexOf(suffix));
resourceInfo = new ResourceInfo(nonPrefixedName, resourceInfo.getApplicationName(),
resourceConfiguration = (BindableResource)
resourcesUtil.getResource(resourceInfo, BindableResource.class);
} else {
// we cache the resourceConfiguration for performance optimization.
// make sure that appropriate (actual) resourceInfo is used for validation.
String suffix = ConnectorsUtil.getValidSuffix(resourceInfo.getName());
// it is possible that the resource is a __PM or __NONTX suffixed resource used by JPA/EJB Container
// check for the enabled status and existence using non-prefixed resource-name
if (suffix != null) {
String nonPrefixedName = resourceInfo.getName().substring(0, resourceInfo.getName().lastIndexOf(suffix));
resourceInfo = new ResourceInfo(nonPrefixedName, resourceInfo.getApplicationName(),
if (resourceConfiguration == null) {
throw new ResourceException("No such resource : " + resourceInfo);