* @return true, if there is at least one bean annotated with a qualified annotation in the specified paths
public static boolean hasCDIEnablingAnnotations(DeploymentContext context, Collection<URI> paths) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
Types types = (Types) context.getTransientAppMetadata().get(Types.class.getName());
if (types == null) {
types = (Types) ((ExtendedDeploymentContext) context).getParentContext().getTransientAppMetadata().get(Types.class.getName());
if (types != null) {
Iterator<Type> typesIter = types.getAllTypes().iterator();
while (typesIter.hasNext()) {
Type type = typesIter.next();
if (!(type instanceof AnnotationType)) {
Iterator<AnnotationModel> annotations = type.getAnnotations().iterator();
while (annotations.hasNext()) {