Package org.glassfish.hk2.api

Examples of org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocatorFactory

     * Given a command name, return the name of the class that implements that
     * command in the server.
    private static String getCommandClass(String cmdName) {
        ServiceLocator h = getManHabitat();
        String cname = "org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommand";
        ActiveDescriptor<?> ad = h.getBestDescriptor(
                BuilderHelper.createNameAndContractFilter(cname, cmdName));
        if (ad == null)
            return null;
        return ad.getImplementation();
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     * Given a command name, return the name of the class that implements
     * that command in the server.
    private static String getCommandClass(String cmdName) {
        ServiceLocator h = getManHabitat();
        String cname = "org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommand";
        ActiveDescriptor<?> ad = h.getBestDescriptor(
                BuilderHelper.createNameAndContractFilter(cname, cmdName));
        if (ad == null) return null;
        return ad.getImplementation();
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        return sb.toString();

    public static Map<String, String> getCurrentValues(String basePath, Subject subject) {
        ServiceLocator serviceLocator = Globals.getDefaultBaseServiceLocator();
        return getCurrentValues(basePath, serviceLocator, subject);
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     * Given a command name, return the name of the class that implements
     * that command in the server.
    private static String getCommandClass(String cmdName) {
        ServiceLocator h = getManHabitat();
        String cname = "org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommand";
        for (ActiveDescriptor<?> ad : h.getDescriptors(BuilderHelper.createContractFilter(cname))) {
            if (ad.getName() != null && ad.getName().equals(cmdName)) {
                return ad.getImplementation();
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    private static synchronized ServiceLocator getManHabitat() {
        if (manServiceLocator != null)
            return manServiceLocator;
        ModulesRegistry registry = new StaticModulesRegistry(getModuleClassLoader());
        ServiceLocator serviceLocator = registry.createServiceLocator("default");
        manServiceLocator = serviceLocator;
        return manServiceLocator;
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            final StartupContext startupContext = new StartupContext(gfProps.getProperties());
            ModulesRegistry modulesRegistry = SingleHK2Factory.getInstance().createModulesRegistry();

            ServiceLocator serviceLocator = main.createServiceLocator(modulesRegistry, startupContext, Arrays.asList((PopulatorPostProcessor)new EmbeddedInhabitantsParser(), new ContextDuplicatePostProcessor()), null);

            final ModuleStartup gfKernel = main.findStartupService(modulesRegistry, serviceLocator, null, startupContext);
            // create a new GlassFish instance
            GlassFishImpl gfImpl = new GlassFishImpl(gfKernel, serviceLocator, gfProps.getProperties()) {
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            return obj;
        } catch (NamingException ex) {

            ServiceLocator services = Globals.getDefaultHabitat();
            ProcessEnvironment processEnv = services.getService(ProcessEnvironment.class);
            if( fullName.startsWith("java:app/") &&
                processEnv.getProcessType() == ProcessType.ACC ) {

                // This could either be an attempt by an app client to access a portable
                // remote session bean JNDI name via the java:app namespace or a lookup of
                // an application-defined java:app environment dependency.  Try them in
                // that order.

                Context ic = namingManager.getInitialContext();
                String appName = (String) namingManager.getInitialContext().lookup("java:app/AppName");

                Object obj = null;

                if( !fullName.startsWith("java:app/env/")) {
                    try {

                        // Translate the java:app name into the equivalent java:global name so that
                        // the lookup will be resolved by the server.
                        String newPrefix = "java:global/" + appName + "/";

                        int javaAppLength = "java:app/".length();
                        String globalLookup = newPrefix + fullName.substring(javaAppLength);

                        obj = ic.lookup(globalLookup);

                    } catch(NamingException javaappenvne) {
                        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Trying global version of java:app ejb lookup", javaappenvne);

                if( obj == null ) {
                   ComponentNamingUtil compNamingUtil = services.getService(ComponentNamingUtil.class);
                   String internalGlobalJavaAppName =
                    compNamingUtil.composeInternalGlobalJavaAppName(appName, fullName);

                    obj = ic.lookup(internalGlobalJavaAppName);
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    public static boolean isImplicitBeanDiscoveryEnabled() {
        boolean result = false;

        // Check the "global" configuration
        ServiceLocator serviceLocator = Globals.getDefaultHabitat();
        if (serviceLocator != null) {
            Config config = serviceLocator.getService(Config.class, ServerEnvironment.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME);
            if (config != null) {
                result = Boolean.valueOf(config.getExtensionByType(CDIService.class).getEnableImplicitCdi());
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            final ServiceTracker hk2Tracker = new ServiceTracker(getBundleContext(), Main.class.getName(), null);
            final Main main = (Main) hk2Tracker.waitForService(0);
            final ModulesRegistry mr = ModulesRegistry.class.cast(getBundleContext().getService(getBundleContext().getServiceReference(ModulesRegistry.class.getName())));
            ServiceLocator serviceLocator = main.createServiceLocator(mr, startupContext, null, null);
            final ModuleStartup gfKernel = main.findStartupService(mr, serviceLocator, null, startupContext);
            GlassFish glassFish = createGlassFish(gfKernel, serviceLocator, gfProps.getProperties());
            return glassFish;
        } catch (BootException ex) {
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        if (ServletContext.class.isAssignableFrom( spiType)) {
            return (T)servletContext;
        if (ServerPipelineHook.class.isAssignableFrom(spiType)){
            ServiceLocator h = Globals.getDefaultHabitat();
            ServerPipeCreator s = h.getService(ServerPipeCreator.class);

        if (ResourceInjector.class.isAssignableFrom(spiType)) {
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Related Classes of org.glassfish.hk2.api.ServiceLocatorFactory

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