Package org.glassfish.hk2.api

Examples of org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException

            try {
                ReflectionHelper.setField(field, injectMe, fieldValue);
            catch (Throwable th) {
                throw new MultiException(th);

        for (Method method : methods) {
            List<Injectee> injectees = Utilities.getMethodInjectees(method, null);

            validateSelfInjectees(null, injectees, collector);

            Object args[] = new Object[injectees.size()];

            for (Injectee injectee : injectees) {
                InjectionResolver<?> resolver = getInjectionResolver(locator, injectee);
                args[injectee.getPosition()] = resolver.resolve(injectee, null);

            try {
                ReflectionHelper.invoke(injectMe, method, args, locator.getNeutralContextClassLoader());
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                throw new MultiException(e);

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        try {
          return (T) ReflectionHelper.makeMe(c, args, locator.getNeutralContextClassLoader());
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            throw new MultiException(th);
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            catch (Throwable th) {
                Exception addMe = new IllegalArgumentException("While attempting to create a Proxy for " + proxyClass.getName() +
                        " in proxiable scope " + root.getScope() + " an error occured while creating the proxy");

                if (th instanceof MultiException) {
                    MultiException me = (MultiException) th;


                    throw me;

                MultiException me = new MultiException(th);
                throw me;

            return proxy;

        Context<?> context;
        try {
            context = locator.resolveContext(root.getScopeAnnotation());
        catch (Throwable th) {
            Exception addMe = new IllegalStateException("While attempting to create a service for " + root +
                    " in scope " + root.getScope() + " an error occured while locating the context");

            if (th instanceof MultiException) {
                MultiException me = (MultiException) th;


                throw me;

            MultiException me = new MultiException(th);
            throw me;

        try {
            service = context.findOrCreate(root, handle);
        catch (MultiException me) {
            throw me;
        catch (Throwable th) {
            throw new MultiException(th);

        if (service == null && !context.supportsNullCreation()) {
            throw new MultiException(new IllegalStateException("Context " +
                context + " findOrCreate returned a null for descriptor " + root +
                " and handle " + handle));

        return service;
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            return retVal;
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            if (th instanceof MultiException) {
                MultiException me = (MultiException) th;

                me.addError(new IllegalStateException("Unable to perform operation: " + failureLocation + " on " + implClass.getName()));

                throw me;

            MultiException me = new MultiException(th);
            me.addError(new IllegalStateException("Unable to perform operation: " + failureLocation + " on " + implClass.getName()));

            throw me;
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        } catch (Throwable th) {
            if (th instanceof MultiException) {
                throw (MultiException) th;

            throw new MultiException(th);

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        Type requiredType = injectee.getRequiredType();
        Class<?> rawType = ReflectionHelper.getRawClass(requiredType);
        if (rawType == null) {
            throw new MultiException(new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Invalid injectee with required type of " + injectee.getRequiredType() + " passed to getInjecteeDescriptor"));

        if (Provider.class.equals(rawType) || IterableProvider.class.equals(rawType) ) {
            IterableProviderImpl<?> value = new IterableProviderImpl<Object>(this,
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        if (contractOrImpl == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        final Class<?> rawClass = ReflectionHelper.getRawClass(contractOrImpl);
        if (rawClass == null) {
            throw new MultiException(new IllegalArgumentException("Type must be a class or parameterized type, it was " + contractOrImpl));

        final boolean useCache = unqualified == null;
        final String name = rawClass.getName();
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                if (retVal.contains(candidate)) continue;

                for (ValidationService vs : getAllValidators()) {
                    if (!vs.getValidator().validate(new ValidationInformationImpl(
                            Operation.UNBIND, candidate))) {
                        throw new MultiException(new IllegalArgumentException("Descriptor " +
                            candidate + " did not pass the UNBIND validation"));

                if (candidate.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InstanceLifecycleListener.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfInstanceListener = true;
                if (candidate.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InjectionResolver.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfInjectionResolver = true;
                if (candidate.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(ErrorService.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfErrorHandler = true;
                if (candidate.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(ClassAnalyzer.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfClazzAnalyzer = true;
                if (candidate.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(DynamicConfigurationListener.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfConfigListener = true;
                if (candidate.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InterceptionService.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfInterceptionService = true;


        for (SystemDescriptor<?> sd : dci.getAllDescriptors()) {

            boolean checkScope = false;
            if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(ValidationService.class.getName()) ||
                sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(ErrorService.class.getName()) ||
                sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InterceptionService.class.getName()) ||
                sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InstanceLifecycleListener.class.getName())) {
                // These get reified right away

                checkScope = true;

                if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(ErrorService.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfErrorHandler = true;
                if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InstanceLifecycleListener.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfInstanceListener = true;
                if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InterceptionService.class.getName())) {
                    addOrRemoveOfInterceptionService = true;

            if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(InjectionResolver.class.getName())) {
                // This gets reified right away

                checkScope = true;

                if (Utilities.getInjectionResolverType(sd) == null) {
                    throw new MultiException(new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "An implementation of InjectionResolver must be a parameterized type and the actual type" +
                            " must be an annotation"));

                addOrRemoveOfInjectionResolver = true;
            if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(DynamicConfigurationListener.class.getName())) {
                // This gets reified right away
                checkScope = true;
                addOrRemoveOfConfigListener = true;

            if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(Context.class.getName())) {
                // This one need not be reified, it will get checked later
                checkScope = true;

            if (sd.getAdvertisedContracts().contains(ClassAnalyzer.class.getName())) {
                addOrRemoveOfClazzAnalyzer = true;

            if (checkScope) {
                String scope = (sd.getScope() == null) ? PerLookup.class.getName() : sd.getScope() ;

                if (!scope.equals(Singleton.class.getName())) {
                    throw new MultiException(new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "The implementation class " +  sd.getImplementation() + " must be in the Singleton scope"));

            for (ValidationService vs : getAllValidators()) {
                Validator validator = vs.getValidator();
                if (validator == null) {
                    throw new MultiException(new IllegalArgumentException("Validator was null from validation service" + vs));

                if (!vs.getValidator().validate(new ValidationInformationImpl(
                        Operation.BIND, sd))) {
                    throw new MultiException(new IllegalArgumentException("Descriptor " + sd + " did not pass the BIND validation"));

        return new CheckConfigurationData(retVal,
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    /* package */ void addConfiguration(DynamicConfigurationImpl dci) {
        CheckConfigurationData checkData;
        List<ServiceHandle<?>> allConfigurationListeners = null;
        MultiException configurationError = null;

        try {
            checkData = checkConfiguration(dci)// Does as much preliminary checking as possible

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            me.addError(new IllegalStateException("Could not load descriptor " + descriptor));

            throw me;
        catch (Throwable th) {
            MultiException me = new MultiException(th);
            me.addError(new IllegalStateException("Could not load descriptor " + descriptor));

            throw me;

        return retVal;
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Related Classes of org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException

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