This interface should be implemented in order to provide a factory for another type. This is useful when the type has some reason that it cannot be a created in the usual way.
A factory may not have a TypeVariable or a Wildcard as its actual type. A factory may have any scope, and the scope of the factory is independent of the scope of the type it is providing.
The scope and qualifiers of the objects this factory is producing must be placed on the provide method itself. Objects created with this method will be put into the scope on the provide method, and will have the qualifiers of the provide method.
A factory is generally added with the {@link FactoryDescriptors} helperclass, though factories can also be registered independently.
@author jwells
@param < T> This must be the type of entity for which this is a factory.For example, if this were a factory for Foo, then your factory must implement Factory<Foo>.