Package org.glassfish.grizzly.http

Examples of org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContent

    public NextAction handleRead(FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {
        // Get the parsed HttpContent (we assume prev. filter was HTTP)
        final HttpContent message = ctx.getMessage();

        final org.glassfish.tyrus.spi.Connection tyrusConnection = getConnection(ctx);

        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "handleRead websocket: {0} content-size={1} headers=\n{2}",
                    new Object[]{tyrusConnection, message.getContent().remaining(), message.getHttpHeader()});

        if (tyrusConnection == null) {
            // Get the HTTP header
            final HttpHeader header = message.getHttpHeader();

            // If websocket is null - it means either non-websocket Connection
            if (!UpgradeRequest.WEBSOCKET.equalsIgnoreCase(header.getUpgrade()) && message.getHttpHeader().isRequest()) {
                // if it's not a websocket connection - pass the processing to the next filter
                return ctx.getInvokeAction();

            final String ATTR_NAME = "org.glassfish.tyrus.container.grizzly.WebSocketFilter.HANDSHAKE_PROCESSED";

            final AttributeHolder attributeHolder = ctx.getAttributes();
            if (attributeHolder != null) {
                final Object attribute = attributeHolder.getAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
                if (attribute != null) {
                    // handshake was already performed on this context.
                    return ctx.getInvokeAction();
                } else {
                    attributeHolder.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, true);
            // Handle handshake
            return handleHandshake(ctx, message);

        // tyrusConnection is not null
        // this is websocket with the completed handshake
        if (message.getContent().hasRemaining()) {
            // get the frame(s) content

            Buffer buffer = message.getContent();
            final ReadHandler readHandler = tyrusConnection.getReadHandler();
            if (!buffer.isComposite()) {
                taskQueue.add(new ProcessTask(buffer.toByteBuffer(), readHandler));
            } else {
                final ByteBufferArray byteBufferArray = buffer.toByteBufferArray();
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        final Connection connection = ctx.getConnection();

        if (HttpPacket.isHttp(message)) {

            // Otherwise cast message to a HttpContent
            final HttpContent httpContent = (HttpContent) message;
            final HttpContext context = HttpContext.get(ctx);
            Request handlerRequest = httpRequestInProgress.get(context);

            if (handlerRequest == null) {
                // It's a new HTTP request
                final HttpRequestPacket request = (HttpRequestPacket) httpContent.getHttpHeader();
                final HttpResponsePacket response = request.getResponse();
                handlerRequest = Request.create();
                httpRequestInProgress.set(context, handlerRequest);
                final Response handlerResponse = handlerRequest.getResponse();

                handlerRequest.initialize(request, ctx, this);
                handlerResponse.initialize(handlerRequest, response,
                        ctx, suspendedResponseQueue, this);

                HttpServerProbeNotifier.notifyRequestReceive(this, connection,

                boolean wasSuspended = false;
                try {

                    if (!isShuttingDown) {
                        if (!config.isPassTraceRequest()
                                && request.getMethod() == Method.TRACE) {
                            onTraceRequest(handlerRequest, handlerResponse);
                        } else {
                            final HttpHandler httpHandlerLocal = httpHandler;
                            if (httpHandlerLocal != null) {
                                wasSuspended = !httpHandlerLocal.doHandle(
                                        handlerRequest, handlerResponse);
                    } else { // if we're in the shutting down phase - serve shutdown page and exit
                                handlerRequest, handlerResponse,
                                503, HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE_503.getReasonPhrase(),
                                "The server is being shutting down...", null);
                } catch (Exception t) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception during HttpHandler invocation", t);
                    if (!response.isCommitted()) {
                                    handlerRequest, handlerResponse,
                                    500, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500.getReasonPhrase(),
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Unexpected error", t);
                    throw new IllegalStateException(t);
                if (!wasSuspended) {
                    return afterService(ctx, connection,
                            handlerRequest, handlerResponse);
                } else {
                    return ctx.getSuspendAction();
            } else {
                // We're working with suspended HTTP request
                try {
                    final NextAction action = ctx.getSuspendAction();
                    if (!handlerRequest.getInputBuffer().append(httpContent)) {
                        // we don't want this thread/context to reset
                        // OP_READ on Connection

                        // we have enough data? - terminate filter chain execution
                    } else {
                    return action;
                } finally {
        } else { // this code will be run, when we resume the context
            // We're finishing the request processing
            final Response response = (Response) message;
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        this.ctx = ctx;
        connection = ctx.getConnection();
        final Object message = ctx.getMessage();
        if (message instanceof HttpContent) {
            final HttpContent content = (HttpContent) message;
            // Check if HttpContent is chunked message trailer w/ headers
            inputContentBuffer = content.getContent();
            contentRead = content.isLast();
            if (LOGGER.isLoggable(LOGGER_LEVEL)) {
                log("InputBuffer %s initialize with ready content: %s",
                        this, inputContentBuffer);
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        int read = 0;
        while ((requestedLen == -1 || read < requestedLen) &&
                httpHeader.isExpectContent()) {
            final ReadResult rr =;
            final HttpContent c = (HttpContent) rr.getMessage();
            final boolean isLast = c.isLast();
            // Check if HttpContent is chunked message trailer w/ headers
            final Buffer b;
            try {
                b = c.getContent();
            } catch (HttpBrokenContentException e) {
                final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
                throw Exceptions.makeIOException(cause != null ? cause : e);
            read += b.remaining();
            if (isLast) {
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        while (read < requestedLen && httpHeader.isExpectContent()) {

            if (isNeedMoreInput || !inputContentBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
                final ReadResult rr =;
                final HttpContent c = (HttpContent) rr.getMessage();
                last = c.isLast();

                isNeedMoreInput = false;

            final ByteBuffer bytes = inputContentBuffer.toByteBuffer();
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    public NextAction handleRead(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {

        final HttpContent requestContent = ctx.getMessage();
        final HttpRequestPacket request = (HttpRequestPacket) requestContent.getHttpHeader();

        if (fileCache.isEnabled() && Method.GET.equals(request.getMethod())) {
            final FileCacheEntry cacheEntry = fileCache.get(request);
            if (cacheEntry != null) {
                final HttpResponsePacket response = request.getResponse();
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    public NextAction handleRead(FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {
        // Get the parsed HttpContent (we assume prev. filter was HTTP)
        final HttpContent message = ctx.getMessage();

        final Connection grizzlyConnection = ctx.getConnection();
        final org.glassfish.tyrus.spi.Connection tyrusConnection = TYRUS_CONNECTION.get(grizzlyConnection);

        // Get the HTTP header
        final HttpHeader header = message.getHttpHeader();

        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "handleRead websocket: {0} content-size={1} headers=\n{2}",
                    new Object[]{tyrusConnection, message.getContent().remaining(), header});

        // client
        if (tyrusConnection != null) {
            // this is websocket with completed handshake
            if (message.getContent().hasRemaining()) {

                // get the frame(s) content
                Buffer buffer = message.getContent();
                final ByteBuffer webSocketBuffer = buffer.toByteBuffer();
                final ReadHandler readHandler = tyrusConnection.getReadHandler();

                taskQueue.add(new ProcessTask(webSocketBuffer, readHandler));

                TaskProcessor.processQueue(taskQueue, null);
            return ctx.getStopAction();

        // tyrusConnection == null

        // proxy
        final HttpStatus httpStatus = ((HttpResponsePacket) message.getHttpHeader()).getHttpStatus();

        if (httpStatus.getStatusCode() != 101) {
            if (proxy) {
                if (httpStatus == HttpStatus.OK_200) {

                    // TYRUS-221: Proxy handshake is complete, we need to enable SSL layer for secure ("wss")
                    // connections now.
                    if (sslFilter != null) {
                        ((GrizzlyClientSocket.FilterWrapper) sslFilter).enable();


                    final UpgradeRequest upgradeRequest = UPGRADE_REQUEST.get(grizzlyConnection);
                } else {
                    throw new IOException(String.format("Proxy error. %s: %s", httpStatus.getStatusCode(),
                            new String(httpStatus.getReasonPhraseBytes(), "UTF-8")));

                return ctx.getInvokeAction();

        // If websocket is null - it means either non-websocket Connection
        if (!UpgradeRequest.WEBSOCKET.equalsIgnoreCase(header.getUpgrade()) && message.getHttpHeader().isRequest()) {
            // if it's not a websocket connection - pass the processing to the next filter
            return ctx.getInvokeAction();

        final String ATTR_NAME = "org.glassfish.tyrus.container.grizzly.WebSocketFilter.HANDSHAKE_PROCESSED";
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    public NextAction handleRead(FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {
        // Get the parsed HttpContent (we assume prev. filter was HTTP)
        final HttpContent message = ctx.getMessage();

        final org.glassfish.tyrus.spi.Connection tyrusConnection = getConnection(ctx);

        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            logger.log(Level.FINE, "handleRead websocket: {0} content-size={1} headers=\n{2}",
                    new Object[]{tyrusConnection, message.getContent().remaining(), message.getHttpHeader()});

        if (tyrusConnection == null) {
            // Get the HTTP header
            final HttpHeader header = message.getHttpHeader();

            // If websocket is null - it means either non-websocket Connection
            if (!UpgradeRequest.WEBSOCKET.equalsIgnoreCase(header.getUpgrade()) && message.getHttpHeader().isRequest()) {
                // if it's not a websocket connection - pass the processing to the next filter
                return ctx.getInvokeAction();

            final String ATTR_NAME = "org.glassfish.tyrus.container.grizzly.WebSocketFilter.HANDSHAKE_PROCESSED";

            final AttributeHolder attributeHolder = ctx.getAttributes();
            if (attributeHolder != null) {
                final Object attribute = attributeHolder.getAttribute(ATTR_NAME);
                if (attribute != null) {
                    // handshake was already performed on this context.
                    return ctx.getInvokeAction();
                } else {
                    attributeHolder.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, true);
            // Handle handshake
            return handleHandshake(ctx, message);

        // tyrusConnection is not null
        // this is websocket with the completed handshake
        if (message.getContent().hasRemaining()) {
            // get the frame(s) content

            Buffer buffer = message.getContent();
            final ReadHandler readHandler = tyrusConnection.getReadHandler();
            if (!buffer.isComposite()) {
                taskQueue.add(new ProcessTask(buffer.toByteBuffer(), readHandler));
            } else {
                final ByteBufferArray byteBufferArray = buffer.toByteBufferArray();
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            buffer.put(b, 0, read);
        if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
            final HttpContent content = requestPacket.httpContentBuilder().content(buffer).build();
            ctx.write(content, ((!requestPacket.isCommitted()) ? ctx.getTransportContext().getCompletionHandler() : null));
        return true;
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    // --------------------------------------------- Methods from BaseFilter

    public NextAction handleRead(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws IOException {
        final HttpContent httpContent = ctx.getMessage();
        if (httpContent.isLast()) {
            // Perform the cleanup logic if it's the last chunk of the payload
            final HttpResponsePacket response = (HttpResponsePacket) httpContent.getHttpHeader();

            recycleRequestResponsePackets(ctx.getConnection(), response);
            return ctx.getStopAction();
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Related Classes of org.glassfish.grizzly.http.HttpContent

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