Package org.glassfish.grizzly

Examples of org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer

    public BuffersBuffer compact() {
        if (buffersSize == 0) {
            return this;
        } else if (buffersSize == 1) {
            final Buffer buffer = buffers[0];
            Buffers.setPositionLimit(buffer, buffer.position() + position,
                    buffer.position() + limit);
        } else {
            final int posBufferIndex = lastSegmentIndex;

            checkIndex(limit - 1);
            final int limitBufferIndex = lastSegmentIndex;

            for(int i = posBufferIndex; i <= limitBufferIndex; i++) {
                final Buffer b1 = buffers[i - posBufferIndex];
                buffers[i - posBufferIndex] = buffers[i];
                buffers[i] = b1;
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        final byte[] srcBuffer = srcByteChunk.getBuffer();
        final int srcStart = srcByteChunk.getStart();
        final int srcEnd = srcByteChunk.getEnd();

        final Buffer dstBuffer = dstBufferChunk.getBuffer();

        int idx = dstBufferChunk.getStart();
        for (int j = srcStart; j < srcEnd; j++, idx++) {
            final byte b = srcBuffer[j];

            if (b == '+') {
                dstBuffer.put(idx , (byte) ' ');
            } else if (b != '%') {
                dstBuffer.put(idx, b);
            } else {
                // read next 2 digits
                if (j + 2 >= srcEnd) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected termination");
                byte b1 = srcBuffer[j + 1];
                byte b2 = srcBuffer[j + 2];
                if (!HexUtils.isHexDigit(b1) || !HexUtils.isHexDigit(b2)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - %"
                                    + (char) b1 + "" + (char) b2);

                j += 2;
                final int res = x2c(b1, b2);
                if (!allowEncodedSlash && (res == '/')) {
                    throw new CharConversionException("Encoded slashes are not allowed");
                dstBuffer.put(idx, (byte) res);

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    public static void decode(final BufferChunk srcBufferChunk,
            final BufferChunk dstBufferChunk,
            final boolean allowEncodedSlash) throws CharConversionException {

        final Buffer srcBuffer = srcBufferChunk.getBuffer();
        final int srcStart = srcBufferChunk.getStart();
        final int srcEnd = srcBufferChunk.getEnd();

        final Buffer dstBuffer = dstBufferChunk.getBuffer();

        int idx = dstBufferChunk.getStart();
        for (int j = srcStart; j < srcEnd; j++, idx++) {
            final byte b = srcBuffer.get(j);

            if (b == '+') {
                dstBuffer.put(idx , (byte) ' ');
            } else if (b != '%') {
                dstBuffer.put(idx, b);
            } else {
                // read next 2 digits
                if (j + 2 >= srcEnd) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected termination");
                byte b1 = srcBuffer.get(j + 1);
                byte b2 = srcBuffer.get(j + 2);
                if (!HexUtils.isHexDigit(b1) || !HexUtils.isHexDigit(b2)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "URLDecoder: Illegal hex characters in escape (%) pattern - %"
                                    + (char) b1 + "" + (char) b2);

                j += 2;
                final int res = x2c(b1, b2);
                if (!allowEncodedSlash && (res == '/')) {
                    throw new CharConversionException("Encoded slashes are not allowed");
                dstBuffer.put(idx, (byte) res);

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        if (remaining() < length) throw new BufferUnderflowException();


        int bufferIdx = lastSegmentIndex;
        Buffer buffer = activeBuffer;
        int bufferPosition = toActiveBufferPos(position);

        while(true) {
            int oldPos = buffer.position();
            final int bytesToCopy = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), length);
            buffer.get(dst, offset, bytesToCopy);

            length -= bytesToCopy;
            offset += bytesToCopy;
            position += bytesToCopy;

            if (length == 0) break;

            buffer = buffers[bufferIdx];
            bufferPosition = buffer.position();

        return this;
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        if (remaining() < length) throw new BufferOverflowException();


        int bufferIdx = lastSegmentIndex;
        Buffer buffer = activeBuffer;
        int bufferPosition = toActiveBufferPos(position);

        while(true) {
            int oldPos = buffer.position();
            int bytesToCopy = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), length);
            buffer.put(src, offset, bytesToCopy);

            length -= bytesToCopy;
            offset += bytesToCopy;
            position += bytesToCopy;

            if (length == 0) break;

            buffer = buffers[bufferIdx];
            bufferPosition = buffer.position();

        return this;
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        if (remaining() < length) throw new BufferOverflowException();


        int bufferIdx = lastSegmentIndex;
        Buffer buffer = activeBuffer;
        int bufferPosition = toActiveBufferPos(position);

        while(true) {
            int oldPos = buffer.position();
            final int bytesToCopy = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), length);
            buffer.get(dst, offset, bytesToCopy);

            length -= bytesToCopy;
            offset += bytesToCopy;
            position += bytesToCopy;

            if (length == 0) break;

            buffer = buffers[bufferIdx];
            bufferPosition = buffer.position();

        return this;
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        if (remaining() < length) throw new BufferOverflowException();


        int bufferIdx = lastSegmentIndex;
        Buffer buffer = activeBuffer;
        int bufferPosition = toActiveBufferPos(position);

        while(true) {
            int oldPos = buffer.position();
            int bytesToCopy = Math.min(buffer.remaining(), length);
            buffer.put(src, offset, bytesToCopy);

            length -= bytesToCopy;
            offset += bytesToCopy;
            position += bytesToCopy;

            if (length == 0) break;

            buffer = buffers[bufferIdx];
            bufferPosition = buffer.position();

        return this;
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        int offset = position;

        int bufferIdx = lastSegmentIndex;
        Buffer buffer = activeBuffer;
        int bufferPosition = toActiveBufferPos(position);

        while(true) {
            final int bytesToProcess = Math.min(
                    buffer.limit() - bufferPosition, length);
            if (buffer.isComposite()) {
                final int findPos = ((CompositeBuffer) buffer).bulk(operation,
                        bufferPosition, bufferPosition + bytesToProcess);
                if (findPos != -1) {
                    return offset + (findPos - bufferPosition);
            } else {
                setter.buffer = buffer;
                for (int i = bufferPosition; i < bufferPosition + bytesToProcess; i++) {
                    setter.position = i;
                    if (operation.processByte(buffer.get(i), setter)) {
                        return offset + (i - bufferPosition);
            length -= bytesToProcess;

            if (length == 0) return -1;

            offset += bytesToProcess;
            buffer = buffers[bufferIdx];
            bufferPosition = buffer.position();
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        return true;

    public static boolean normalizeBuffer(final BufferChunk bc) {
        final Buffer bs = bc.getBuffer();
        final int start = bc.getStart();
        int end = bc.getEnd();

        // An empty URL is not acceptable
        if (start == end) {
            return false;

        // URL * is acceptable
        if ((end - start == 1) && bs.get(start) == (byte) '*') {
            return true;

        // If the URI ends with "/." or "/..", then we append an extra "/"
        // Note: It is possible to extend the URI by 1 without any side effect
        // as the next character is a non-significant WS.
        if (((end - start) > 2) && (bs.get(end - 1) == (byte) '.')) {
            final byte b = bs.get(end - 2);
            if (b == (byte) '/'
                    || (b == (byte) '.'
                    && bs.get(end - 3) == (byte) '/')) {
                bs.put(end, (byte) '/');

        int state = STATE_CHAR;
        int srcPos = start;

        int lastSlash = -1;
        int parentSlash = -1;

        for (int pos = start; pos < end; pos++) {
            final byte b = bs.get(pos);
            if (b == (byte) 0) {
                return false;
            if (b == (byte) '\\') {
                if (ALLOW_BACKSLASH) {
                    bs.put(pos, (byte) '/');
                } else {
                    return false;

            if (b == '/') {
                if (state == STATE_CHAR) {
                    state = STATE_SLASH;
                    bs.put(srcPos, b);
                    parentSlash = lastSlash;
                    lastSlash = srcPos;
                } else if (state == STATE_SLASH) {
                    // This is '//'. Ignore if COLLAPSE_ADJACENT_SLASHES is true.
                    // What is the behavior for '/../' patterns if collapse is false.
                    // Ignoring for now.
                    if (!COLLAPSE_ADJACENT_SLASHES) {
                } else if (state == STATE_SLASHDOT) {
                    // This is '/./' ==> move the srcPos one position back
                } else if (state == STATE_SLASHDOTDOT) {
                    // This is '/../' ==> search backward to reset lastSlash and parentSlash
                    if (parentSlash == -1) {
                        // This is an error
//                        System.out.print("Incorrect URI");
                        return false;
                    } else {
                        lastSlash = parentSlash;
                        srcPos = parentSlash;
                        // Find the parentSlash
                        parentSlash = -1;
                        for (int i = lastSlash - 1; i >= start; i--) {
                            if (bs.get(i) == '/') {
                                parentSlash = i;
                    state = STATE_SLASH;
                    bs.put(srcPos++, b);
            } else if (b == '.') {
                if (state == STATE_CHAR) {
                    bs.put(srcPos++, b);
                } else if (state == STATE_SLASH) {
                    state = STATE_SLASHDOT;
                    bs.put(srcPos++, b);
                } else if (state == STATE_SLASHDOT) {
                    state = STATE_SLASHDOTDOT;
                    bs.put(srcPos++, b);
            } else {
                state = STATE_CHAR;
                bs.put(srcPos++, b);

        return true;
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            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("position=" + position + " limit=" + limit + "on " + toString());

        if (buffersSize == 0 || (position == limit)) {
            return Buffers.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER;
        } else if (buffersSize == 1) {
            final Buffer buffer = buffers[0];
            final int bufferPos = buffer.position();
            return buffer.toByteBuffer(bufferPos + position, bufferPos + limit);

        final int pos1 = lastSegmentIndex;
        final int bufPosition = toActiveBufferPos(position);

        checkIndex(limit - 1);
        final int pos2 = lastSegmentIndex;
        final int bufLimit = toActiveBufferPos(limit);

        //noinspection ConstantConditions
        if (pos1 == pos2) {
            final Buffer buffer = buffers[pos1];
            return buffer.toByteBuffer(bufPosition, bufLimit);

        final ByteBuffer resultByteBuffer = MemoryUtils.allocateByteBuffer(
                memoryManager, limit - position);

        final Buffer startBuffer = buffers[pos1];
        final ByteBufferArray array = ByteBufferArray.create();
                startBuffer.toByteBufferArray(array, bufPosition, startBuffer.limit()));

        for(int i = pos1 + 1; i < pos2; i++) {
            fillByteBuffer(resultByteBuffer, buffers[i].toByteBufferArray(array));

        final Buffer endBuffer = buffers[pos2];
                endBuffer.toByteBufferArray(array, endBuffer.position(), bufLimit));

        return (ByteBuffer) resultByteBuffer.flip();
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Related Classes of org.glassfish.grizzly.Buffer

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