Package org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor

Examples of org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbBundleDescriptorImpl

            EjbContext[] ejbContexts) throws AnnotationProcessorException {

        Interceptors interceptors = (Interceptors) ainfo.getAnnotation();

        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle =
        // Process each of the interceptor classes.
        for(Class interceptor : interceptors.value()) {
            processInterceptorClass(interceptor, ejbBundle, ainfo);

        for(EjbContext next : ejbContexts) {

            EjbDescriptor ejbDescriptor = (EjbDescriptor) next.getDescriptor();

            // Create binding information. 
            InterceptorBindingDescriptor binding =
                new InterceptorBindingDescriptor();


            for(Class interceptor : interceptors.value()) {
            if(ElementType.METHOD.equals(ainfo.getElementType())) {
                Method m = (Method) ainfo.getAnnotatedElement();
                MethodDescriptor md =
                    new MethodDescriptor(m, MethodDescriptor.EJB_BEAN);
            } else if(ElementType.CONSTRUCTOR.equals(ainfo.getElementType())) {
                                Constructor c = (Constructor) ainfo.getAnnotatedElement();
                Class cl = c.getDeclaringClass();
                Class[] ctorParamTypes = c.getParameterTypes();
                String[] parameterClassNames = (new MethodDescriptor()).getParameterClassNamesFor(null, ctorParamTypes);
                MethodDescriptor md = new MethodDescriptor(cl.getSimpleName(), null,
                        parameterClassNames, MethodDescriptor.EJB_BEAN);

            // All binding information processed from annotations should go
            // before the binding information processed from the descriptors.
            // Since descriptors are processed first, always place the binding
            // info at the front.  The binding information from the descriptor
            // is ordered, but there is no prescribed order in which the
            // annotations are processed, so all that matters is that it's
            // before the descriptor bindings and that the descriptor binding
            // order is preserved.

        return getDefaultProcessedResult();
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                new Class[] {EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class}, new Class[] {Application.class});

    public boolean prepare(DeploymentContext dc) {
        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = dc.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class);

        if( ejbBundle == null ) {
            String errMsg = localStrings.getLocalString("", "DeploymentContext does not contain any EJB", dc.getSourceDir());
            throw new RuntimeException(errMsg);

        // Get application-level properties (*not* module-level)
        Properties appProps = dc.getAppProps();

        long uniqueAppId;

        if( !appProps.containsKey(APP_UNIQUE_ID_PROP)) {

            // This is the first time load is being called for any ejb module in an
            // application, so generate the unique id.

            uniqueAppId = getNextEjbAppUniqueId();
            appProps.setProperty(APP_UNIQUE_ID_PROP, uniqueAppId + "");
        } else {
            uniqueAppId = Long.parseLong(appProps.getProperty(APP_UNIQUE_ID_PROP));

        OpsParams params = dc.getCommandParameters(OpsParams.class);
        if (params.origin.isDeploy()) {
            // KEEP_STATE is saved to AppProps in EjbApplication.stop
            String keepStateVal = (String) dc.getAppProps().get(EjbApplication.KEEP_STATE);
            if (keepStateVal != null) {
                // save KEEP_STATE to Application so subsequent to make it available
                // to subsequent deploy-related methods.
                if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    _logger.log(Level.FINE, "EjbDeployer.prepare set keepstate to {0} for application.",

        Application app = ejbBundle.getApplication();

        if( !app.isUniqueIdSet() ) {
            // This will set the unique id for all EJB components in the application.
            // If there are multiple ejb modules in the app, we'll only call it once
            // for the first ejb module load().  All the old
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        //Register the EjbSecurityComponentInvocationHandler

        RegisteredComponentInvocationHandler handler = habitat.getService(RegisteredComponentInvocationHandler.class,"ejbSecurityCIH");

        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = dc.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class);
        if( ejbBundle == null ) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load EJB module.  DeploymentContext does not contain any EJB " +
                    " Check archive to ensure correct packaging for " + dc.getSourceDir());


        if (ejbBundle.containsCMPEntity()) {
            CMPService cmpService = cmpServiceProvider.get();
            if (cmpService == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("CMP Module is not available");
            } else if (!cmpService.isReady()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("CMP Module is not initialized");

        EjbApplication ejbApp = new EjbApplication(ejbBundle, dc,
                dc.getClassLoader(), habitat);

        try {

            // If within .war, also bind dependencies declared by web application.  There is
            // a single naming environment for the entire .war module.  Yhis is necessary
            // in order for eagerly initialized ejb components to have visibility to all the
            // dependencies b/c the web container does not bind to the component namespace until
            // its start phase, which comes after the ejb start phase.
            Object rootDesc = ejbBundle.getModuleDescriptor().getDescriptor();
            if( (rootDesc != ejbBundle) && (rootDesc instanceof WebBundleDescriptor ) ) {
                WebBundleDescriptor webBundle = (WebBundleDescriptor) rootDesc;
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        return ejbApp;

    public void unload(EjbApplication ejbApplication, DeploymentContext dc) {

        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = ejbApplication.getEjbBundleDescriptor();

        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
             _logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Error unbinding ejb bundle " +
                     ejbBundle.getModuleName() + " dependency namespace", e);

        if (ejbBundle.containsCMPEntity()) {
            if (cmpDeployer != null) {
        // All the other work is done in EjbApplication.
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        if (!(params.origin.isDeploy() && isDas())) {
            //Generate artifacts only when being deployed on DAS
        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundle = dc.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class);

        DeployCommandParameters dcp =
        boolean generateRmicStubs = dcp.generatermistubs;
        dc.addTransientAppMetaData(CMPDeployer.MODULE_CLASSPATH, getModuleClassPath(dc));
        if( generateRmicStubs ) {
            StaticRmiStubGenerator staticStubGenerator = new StaticRmiStubGenerator(habitat);
            try {
            } catch(Exception e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Static RMI-IIOP Stub Generation exception for " +
                        dc.getSourceDir(), e);

        if (bundle == null || !bundle.containsCMPEntity()) {
            // bundle WAS null in a war file where we do not support CMPs

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     * Create and execute the files.
    public void process() {
        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundle = ctx.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class);
        ResourceReferenceDescriptor cmpResource = bundle.getCMPResourceReference();

        // If this bundle's beans are not created by Java2DB, there is nothing to do.
        if (!DeploymentHelper.isJavaToDatabase(
                cmpResource.getSchemaGeneratorProperties())) {

        helper = new Java2DBProcessorHelper(ctx);

        String resourceName = cmpResource.getJndiName();
        helper.setProcessorType("CMP", bundle.getName()); // NOI18N
        helper.setJndiName(resourceName, bundle.getName());

        // If CLI options are not set, use value from the create-tables-at-deploy
        // or drop-tables-at-undeploy elements of the sun-ejb-jar.xml
        boolean userCreateTables = cmpResource.isCreateTablesAtDeploy();
        boolean createTables = helper.getCreateTables(userCreateTables);

        boolean userDropTables = cmpResource.isDropTablesAtUndeploy();

        if (logger.isLoggable(logger.FINE)) {               
            logger.fine("ejb.CMPProcessor.createanddroptables", //NOI18N
                new Object[] {new Boolean(createTables), new Boolean(userDropTables)});

        if (!createTables && !userDropTables) {
            // Nothing to do.
        helper.setCreateTablesValue(userCreateTables, bundle.getName());
        helper.setDropTablesValue(userDropTables, bundle.getName());

        if (logger.isLoggable(logger.FINE)) {

        if (createTables) {
            helper.createOrDropTablesInDB(true, "CMP"); // NOI18N
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  private void initGeneratedRelationshipMaps ()
    EjbBundleDescriptorImpl bundleDescriptor = getBundleDescriptor();
    Set relationships = bundleDescriptor.getRelationships();

    _generatedRelToInverseRelMap = new HashMap();
    _relToInverseGeneratedRelMap = new HashMap();

    // during development time this code may attempt to get the
    // iterator even with no relationships, so protect it by a
    // null check
    if (relationships != null)
      Iterator iterator = relationships.iterator();
      List generatedRels = new ArrayList();
      int counter = 0;

      // gather list of generated cmr fields by examining source and sink
      while (iterator.hasNext())
        RelationshipDescriptor relationship =

        if (relationship.getSource().getCMRField() == null)

        if (relationship.getSink().getCMRField() == null)

      // now update the maps to contain this info
      iterator = generatedRels.iterator();
      while (iterator.hasNext())
        RelationshipDescriptor relationship =
        RelationRoleDescriptor source = relationship.getSource();
        String sourceEjbName = source.getOwner().getName();
        String sourceCMRField = source.getCMRField();
        boolean sourceIsNull = (sourceCMRField == null);
        RelationRoleDescriptor sink = relationship.getSink();
        String sinkEjbName = sink.getOwner().getName();
        String ejbName = (sourceIsNull ? sourceEjbName : sinkEjbName);
        String otherEjbName =
          (sourceIsNull ? sinkEjbName : sourceEjbName);
        List ejbField = Arrays.asList(new String[]{otherEjbName,
          (sourceIsNull ? sink.getCMRField() : sourceCMRField)});
        PersistenceDescriptor pDescriptor = ((EjbCMPEntityDescriptor)
        List generatedField = null;
        String uniqueName = null;

        // make sure the user doesn't already have a field
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                new Class[] {EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class}, new Class[] {Application.class});

    public boolean prepare(DeploymentContext dc) {
        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = dc.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class);

        if( ejbBundle == null ) {
            String errMsg = localStrings.getLocalString("", "DeploymentContext does not contain any EJB", dc.getSourceDir());
            throw new RuntimeException(errMsg);

        // Get application-level properties (*not* module-level)
        Properties appProps = dc.getAppProps();

        long uniqueAppId;

        if( !appProps.containsKey(APP_UNIQUE_ID_PROP)) {

            // This is the first time load is being called for any ejb module in an
            // application, so generate the unique id.

            uniqueAppId = getNextEjbAppUniqueId();
            appProps.setProperty(APP_UNIQUE_ID_PROP, uniqueAppId + "");
        } else {
            uniqueAppId = Long.parseLong(appProps.getProperty(APP_UNIQUE_ID_PROP));

        OpsParams params = dc.getCommandParameters(OpsParams.class);
        if (params.origin.isDeploy()) {
            // KEEP_STATE is saved to AppProps in EjbApplication.stop
            String keepStateVal = (String) dc.getAppProps().get(EjbApplication.KEEP_STATE);
            if (keepStateVal != null) {
                // save KEEP_STATE to Application so subsequent to make it available
                // to subsequent deploy-related methods.
                if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    _logger.log(Level.FINE, "EjbDeployer.prepare set keepstate to {0} for application.",

        Application app = ejbBundle.getApplication();

        if( !app.isUniqueIdSet() ) {
            // This will set the unique id for all EJB components in the application.
            // If there are multiple ejb modules in the app, we'll only call it once
            // for the first ejb module load().  All the old
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        //Register the EjbSecurityComponentInvocationHandler

        RegisteredComponentInvocationHandler handler = habitat.getService(RegisteredComponentInvocationHandler.class,"ejbSecurityCIH");

        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = dc.getModuleMetaData(EjbBundleDescriptorImpl.class);
        if( ejbBundle == null ) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load EJB module.  DeploymentContext does not contain any EJB " +
                    " Check archive to ensure correct packaging for " + dc.getSourceDir());


        if (ejbBundle.containsCMPEntity()) {
            CMPService cmpService = cmpServiceProvider.get();
            if (cmpService == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException("CMP Module is not available");
            } else if (!cmpService.isReady()) {
                throw new RuntimeException("CMP Module is not initialized");

        EjbApplication ejbApp = new EjbApplication(ejbBundle, dc,
                dc.getClassLoader(), habitat);

        try {

            // If within .war, also bind dependencies declared by web application.  There is
            // a single naming environment for the entire .war module.  Yhis is necessary
            // in order for eagerly initialized ejb components to have visibility to all the
            // dependencies b/c the web container does not bind to the component namespace until
            // its start phase, which comes after the ejb start phase.
            Object rootDesc = ejbBundle.getModuleDescriptor().getDescriptor();
            if( (rootDesc != ejbBundle) && (rootDesc instanceof WebBundleDescriptor ) ) {
                WebBundleDescriptor webBundle = (WebBundleDescriptor) rootDesc;
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        return ejbApp;

    public void unload(EjbApplication ejbApplication, DeploymentContext dc) {

        EjbBundleDescriptorImpl ejbBundle = ejbApplication.getEjbBundleDescriptor();

        try {
        } catch(Exception e) {
             _logger.log( Level.WARNING, "Error unbinding ejb bundle " +
                     ejbBundle.getModuleName() + " dependency namespace", e);

        if (ejbBundle.containsCMPEntity()) {
            if (cmpDeployer != null) {
        // All the other work is done in EjbApplication.
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Related Classes of org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbBundleDescriptorImpl

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