Package org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.launcher

Examples of org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.launcher.SSHLauncher$PumpThread

    protected int executeCommand()
            throws CommandException {

        SSHLauncher sshL = habitat.getComponent(SSHLauncher.class);

        String previousPassword = null;
        boolean status = false;
        for (String node : hosts) {
            sshL.init(getRemoteUser(), node, getRemotePort(), sshpassword, sshkeyfile, sshkeypassphrase, logger);
            if (generatekey || promptPass) {
                //prompt for password iff required
                if (sshkeyfile != null || SSHUtil.getExistingKeyFile() != null) {
                    if (sshL.checkConnection()) {
              "SSHAlreadySetup", getRemoteUser(), node));
                if (previousPassword != null) {
                    status = sshL.checkPasswordAuth();
                if (!status) {
                    sshpassword = getSSHPassword(node);
                    previousPassword = sshpassword;

            try {
                sshL.setupKey(node, sshpublickeyfile, generatekey, sshpassword);
            catch (IOException ce) {
                //logger.fine("SSH key setup failed: " + ce.getMessage());
                throw new CommandException(Strings.get("KeySetupFailed", ce.getMessage()));
            catch (Exception e) {
                //handle KeyStoreException
                if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINER, "Keystore error: ", e);

            if (!sshL.checkConnection()) {
                throw new CommandException(Strings.get("ConnFailed"));
        return SUCCESS;
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                    logger.warning(Strings.get("GetPasswordFailure", f.getName()));

                if (expandedPassword != null) {
                    SSHLauncher sshL = new SSHLauncher();
                    if (host != null) {
                        sshpassword = expandedPassword;
                        sshL.init(getRemoteUser(), host, getRemotePort(), sshpassword, null, null, logger);
                        connStatus = sshL.checkPasswordAuth();
                        if (!connStatus) {
                            logger.warning(Strings.get("PasswordAuthFailure", f.getName()));
                    else {
                        sshkeypassphrase = expandedPassword;
                        if (verifyConn) {
                            sshL.init(getRemoteUser(), hosts[0], getRemotePort(), sshpassword, getSshKeyFile(), sshkeypassphrase, logger);
                            connStatus = sshL.checkConnection();
                            if (!connStatus) {
                                logger.warning(Strings.get("PasswordAuthFailure", f.getName()));
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    private WindowsRemoteFile wrf;

    public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
        report = context.getActionReport();
        logger = context.getLogger();
        SSHLauncher launcher;
        int dasPort;
        String dasHost;

        if (env.isDas()) {
            if (kill) {
                errorMessage = killInstance(context);
            } else {
                errorMessage = callInstance();
        }  else {
            errorMessage = Strings.get("stop.instance.notDas",

        if(errorMessage == null && !kill) {
            errorMessage = pollForDeath();

        if (errorMessage != null) {


        if (kill) {
            // If we killed then stop-local-instance already waited for death

        // we think the instance is down but it might not be completely down so do further checking
        // get the node name and then the node
        // if localhost check if files exists
        // else if SSH check if file exists  on remote system
        // else can't check anything else.
        String nodeName = instance.getNodeRef();
        Node node = nodes.getNode(nodeName);
        String nodeHost = node.getNodeHost();
        InstanceDirUtils insDU = new InstanceDirUtils(node, serverContext);
        // this should be replaced with method from Node config bean.
        dasPort = helper.getAdminPort(SystemPropertyConstants.DAS_SERVER_NAME);
        dasHost = System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY);
        if (node.isLocal()){
            try {
                pidFile = new File (insDU.getLocalInstanceDir(instance.getName()) , "config/pid");
            } catch ( eio){
                // could not get the file name so can't see if it still exists.  Need to exit
            if (pidFile.exists()){
                    //server still not down completely, do we poll?
                errorMessage = pollForRealDeath("local");

        } else if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {
            try {
                pidFile = new File (insDU.getLocalInstanceDir(instance.getName()) , "config/pid");
            } catch ( eio){
                // could not get the file name so can't see if it still exists.  Need to exit
            //use SFTPClient to see if file exists.
            launcher = habitat.getComponent(SSHLauncher.class);
            launcher.init(node, logger);
            try {
                ftpClient = launcher.getSFTPClient();
                if (ftpClient.exists(pidFile.toString())){
                    // server still not down, do we poll?
                    errorMessage = pollForRealDeath("SSH");
            } catch (IOException ex) {
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    private WindowsRemoteFile wrf;

    public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
        report = context.getActionReport();
        logger = context.getLogger();
        SSHLauncher launcher;

        if (env.isDas()) {
            if (kill) {
                errorMessage = killInstance(context);
            } else {
                errorMessage = callInstance();
        }  else {
            errorMessage = Strings.get("stop.instance.notDas",

        if(errorMessage == null && !kill) {
            errorMessage = pollForDeath();

        if (errorMessage != null) {


        if (kill) {
            // If we killed then stop-local-instance already waited for death

        // we think the instance is down but it might not be completely down so do further checking
        // get the node name and then the node
        // if localhost check if files exists
        // else if SSH check if file exists  on remote system
        // else can't check anything else.
        String nodeName = instance.getNodeRef();
        Node node = nodes.getNode(nodeName);
        InstanceDirUtils insDU = new InstanceDirUtils(node, serverContext);
        // this should be replaced with method from Node config bean.
        if (node.isLocal()){
            try {
                pidFile = new File (insDU.getLocalInstanceDir(instance.getName()) , "config/pid");
            } catch ( eio){
                // could not get the file name so can't see if it still exists.  Need to exit
            if (pidFile.exists()){
                    //server still not down completely, do we poll?
                errorMessage = pollForRealDeath("local");

        } else if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {
            try {
                pidFile = new File (insDU.getLocalInstanceDir(instance.getName()) , "config/pid");
            } catch ( eio){
                // could not get the file name so can't see if it still exists.  Need to exit
            //use SFTPClient to see if file exists.
            launcher = habitat.getService(SSHLauncher.class);
            launcher.init(node, logger);
            try {
                ftpClient = launcher.getSFTPClient();
                if (ftpClient.exists(pidFile.toString())){
                    // server still not down, do we poll?
                    errorMessage = pollForRealDeath("SSH");
            } catch (IOException ex) {
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        // method is used from logviewer back end code logfilter.
        // for Instance it's going through this loop. This will use ssh utility to get file from instance machine(remote machine) and
        // store in domains/domain1/logs/<instance name> which is used to get LogFile object.
        // Right now user needs to go through this URL to setup and configure ssh
        SSHLauncher sshL = getSSHL(habitat);
        String sNode = targetServer.getNodeRef();
        Nodes nodes = domain.getNodes();
        Node node = nodes.getNode(sNode);

        if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {

            sshL.init(node, logger);

            SFTPClient sftpClient = sshL.getSFTPClient();

            File logFileDirectoryOnServer = makingDirectory(domainRoot + File.separator + "logs"
                    + File.separator + instanceName);

            boolean noFileFound = true;
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        // method is used from collect-log-files command
        // for Instance it's going through this loop. This will use ssh utility to get file from instance machine(remote machine) and
        // store in  tempDirectoryOnServer which is used to create zip file.
        // Right now user needs to go through this URL to setup and configure ssh
        SSHLauncher sshL = getSSHL(habitat);
        String sNode = targetServer.getNodeRef();
        Nodes nodes = domain.getNodes();
        Node node = nodes.getNode(sNode);

        if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {
            sshL.init(node, logger);

            Vector allInstanceLogFileName = getInstanceLogFileNames(habitat, targetServer, domain, logger, instanceName, instanceLogFileDirectory);

            boolean noFileFound = true;
            String sourceDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);
            SFTPClient sftpClient = sshL.getSFTPClient();

            try {
                Vector instanceLogFileNames =;

                for (int i = 0; i < instanceLogFileNames.size(); i++) {
                    SFTPv3DirectoryEntry file = (SFTPv3DirectoryEntry) instanceLogFileNames.get(i);
                    String fileName = file.filename;
                    // code to remove . and .. file which is return from sftpclient ls method
                    if (!file.attributes.isDirectory() && !fileName.equals(".") && !fileName.equals("..")
                            && fileName.contains(".log") && !fileName.contains(".log.")) {
                        noFileFound = false;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // if directory doesn't present or missing on remote machine. It happens due to bug 16451
                noFileFound = true;

            if (noFileFound) {
                // this loop is used when user has changed value for server.log but not restarted the server.
                sourceDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNodeWhenNoFilesFound(instanceLogFileDirectory, node, sNode, instanceName);

            String[] remoteFileNames = new String[allInstanceLogFileName.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < allInstanceLogFileName.size(); i++) {
                remoteFileNames[i] = sourceDir + File.separator + allInstanceLogFileName.get(i);


            SCPClient scpClient = sshL.getSCPClient();
            scpClient.get(remoteFileNames, tempDirectoryOnServer);
        } else if (node.getType().equals("DCOM")) {

            Vector instanceLogFileNames = getInstanceLogFileNames(habitat, targetServer, domain, logger, instanceName, instanceLogFileDirectory);
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        } else if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {
            // this code is used if DAS and instance are running on different machine
            SSHLauncher sshL = getSSHL(habitat);
            sshL.init(node, logger);
            SFTPClient sftpClient = sshL.getSFTPClient();

            boolean noFileFound = true;

            String loggingDir = getLoggingDirectoryForNode(instanceLogFileDetails, node, sNode, instanceName);
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    private WindowsRemoteFile wrf;

    public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
        report = context.getActionReport();
        logger = context.getLogger();
        SSHLauncher launcher;
        int dasPort;
        String dasHost;

        if (env.isDas()) {
            if (kill) {
                errorMessage = killInstance(context);
            } else {
                errorMessage = callInstance();
        }  else {
            errorMessage = Strings.get("stop.instance.notDas",

        if(errorMessage == null && !kill) {
            errorMessage = pollForDeath();

        if (errorMessage != null) {


        if (kill) {
            // If we killed then stop-local-instance already waited for death

        // we think the instance is down but it might not be completely down so do further checking
        // get the node name and then the node
        // if localhost check if files exists
        // else if SSH check if file exists  on remote system
        // else can't check anything else.
        String nodeName = instance.getNodeRef();
        Node node = nodes.getNode(nodeName);
        String nodeHost = node.getNodeHost();
        InstanceDirUtils insDU = new InstanceDirUtils(node, serverContext);
        // this should be replaced with method from Node config bean.
        dasPort = helper.getAdminPort(SystemPropertyConstants.DAS_SERVER_NAME);
        dasHost = System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.HOST_NAME_PROPERTY);
        if (node.isLocal()){
            try {
                pidFile = new File (insDU.getLocalInstanceDir(instance.getName()) , "config/pid");
            } catch ( eio){
                // could not get the file name so can't see if it still exists.  Need to exit
            if (pidFile.exists()){
                    //server still not down completely, do we poll?
                errorMessage = pollForRealDeath("local");

        } else if (node.getType().equals("SSH")) {
            try {
                pidFile = new File (insDU.getLocalInstanceDir(instance.getName()) , "config/pid");
            } catch ( eio){
                // could not get the file name so can't see if it still exists.  Need to exit
            //use SFTPClient to see if file exists.
            launcher = habitat.getService(SSHLauncher.class);
            launcher.init(node, logger);
            try {
                ftpClient = launcher.getSFTPClient();
                if (ftpClient.exists(pidFile.toString())){
                    // server still not down, do we poll?
                    errorMessage = pollForRealDeath("SSH");
            } catch (IOException ex) {
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    protected int executeCommand()
            throws CommandException {

        SSHLauncher sshL = habitat.getComponent(SSHLauncher.class);

        String previousPassword = null;
        boolean status = false;
        for (String node : hosts) {
            sshL.init(getRemoteUser(), node, getRemotePort(), sshpassword, sshkeyfile, sshkeypassphrase, logger);
            if (generatekey || promptPass) {
                //prompt for password iff required
                if (sshkeyfile != null || SSHUtil.getExistingKeyFile() != null) {
                    if (sshL.checkConnection()) {
              "SSHAlreadySetup", getRemoteUser(), node));
                if (previousPassword != null) {
                    status = sshL.checkPasswordAuth();
                if (!status) {
                    sshpassword = getSSHPassword(node);
                    previousPassword = sshpassword;

            try {
                sshL.setupKey(node, sshpublickeyfile, generatekey, sshpassword);
            catch (IOException ce) {
                //logger.fine("SSH key setup failed: " + ce.getMessage());
                throw new CommandException(Strings.get("KeySetupFailed", ce.getMessage()));
            catch (Exception e) {
                //handle KeyStoreException
                if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINER, "Keystore error: ", e);

            if (!sshL.checkConnection()) {
                throw new CommandException(Strings.get("ConnFailed"));
        return SUCCESS;
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                    logger.warning(Strings.get("GetPasswordFailure", f.getName()));

                if (expandedPassword != null) {
                    SSHLauncher sshL = new SSHLauncher();
                    if (host != null) {
                        sshpassword = expandedPassword;
                        sshL.init(getRemoteUser(), host, getRemotePort(), sshpassword, null, null, logger);
                        connStatus = sshL.checkPasswordAuth();
                        if (!connStatus) {
                            logger.warning(Strings.get("PasswordAuthFailure", f.getName()));
                    else {
                        sshkeypassphrase = expandedPassword;
                        if (verifyConn) {
                            sshL.init(getRemoteUser(), hosts[0], getRemotePort(), sshpassword, getSshKeyFile(), sshkeypassphrase, logger);
                            connStatus = sshL.checkConnection();
                            if (!connStatus) {
                                logger.warning(Strings.get("PasswordAuthFailure", f.getName()));
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Related Classes of org.glassfish.cluster.ssh.launcher.SSHLauncher$PumpThread

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