* then handle that separately.
* If the request is for a URI in neither the static nor dynamic
* content this adapter should serve, then just return a 404.
final StaticContent sc = content.get(relativeURIString);
final URI requestURI = Util.getCodebase(gReq);
if (sc != null && sc.isAvailable(requestURI)) {
processContent(relativeURIString, gReq, gResp);
return true;
} else {
finishErrorResponse(gResp, contentStateToResponseStatus(sc, requestURI));
final String scString = (sc == null ? "null" : sc.toString());
final String scStateString = (sc == null ? "null" : sc.state().toString());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
logger.fine(logPrefix() + "Found static content for " + gReq.getMethod()
+ ": " + relativeURIString + " -> " + scString
+ " but could not serve it; its state is " + scStateString);