try {
// delist with TMSUCCESS if necessary
if (resource.isTransactional()) {
InvocationManager invmgr = ConnectorRuntime.getRuntime().getInvocationManager();
ComponentInvocation inv = invmgr.getCurrentInvocation();
if (inv == null) {
//throw new InvocationException();
//Go to the tm and get the transaction
//This is mimicking the current behavior of
//the SystemResourceManagerImpl registerResource method
//in that, you return the transaction from the TxManager
try {
tran = tm.getTransaction();
} catch (Exception e) {
tran = null;
_logger.log(Level.INFO, e.getMessage());
} else {
tran = (Transaction) inv.getTransaction();
if (tran != null && resource.isEnlisted()) {
tm.delistResource(tran, resource, xaresFlag);