return ( (arch1 instanceof FileArchive && arch2 instanceof FileArchive)
|| (arch1 instanceof JarArchive && arch2 instanceof JarArchive));
public ClassLoader getClassLoader(final ClassLoader parent, DeploymentContext context) {
final ReadableArchive archive = context.getSource();
ApplicationHolder holder =
getApplicationHolder(archive, context, true);
// the ear classloader hierachy will be
// ear lib classloader -> embedded rar classloader ->
// ear classloader -> various module classloaders
final DelegatingClassLoader embeddedConnCl;
final EarClassLoader cl;
// add the libraries packaged in the application library directory
try {
String compatProp = context.getAppProps().getProperty(
// if user does not specify the compatibility property
// let's see if it's defined in glassfish-application.xml
if (compatProp == null) {
GFApplicationXmlParser gfApplicationXmlParser =
new GFApplicationXmlParser(context.getSourceDir());
compatProp = gfApplicationXmlParser.getCompatibilityValue();
if (compatProp != null) {
DeploymentProperties.COMPATIBILITY, compatProp);
// if user does not specify the compatibility property
// let's see if it's defined in sun-application.xml
if (compatProp == null) {
SunApplicationXmlParser sunApplicationXmlParser =
new SunApplicationXmlParser(context.getSourceDir());
compatProp = sunApplicationXmlParser.getCompatibilityValue();
if (compatProp != null) {
DeploymentProperties.COMPATIBILITY, compatProp);
final URL[] earLibURLs = ASClassLoaderUtil.getAppLibDirLibraries(context.getSourceDir(),, compatProp);
final EarLibClassLoader earLibCl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<EarLibClassLoader>() {
public EarLibClassLoader run() {
return new EarLibClassLoader(earLibURLs, parent);
embeddedConnCl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<DelegatingClassLoader>() {
public DelegatingClassLoader run() {
return new DelegatingClassLoader(earLibCl);
cl = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<EarClassLoader>() {
public EarClassLoader run() {
return new EarClassLoader(embeddedConnCl);
// add ear lib to module classloader list so we can
// clean it up later
cl.addModuleClassLoader(EAR_LIB, earLibCl);
} catch (Exception e) {
_logger.log(Level.SEVERE, strings.get("errAddLibs") ,e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (ModuleDescriptor md : {
ReadableArchive sub = null;
String moduleUri = md.getArchiveUri();
try {
sub = archive.getSubArchive(moduleUri);
if (sub instanceof InputJarArchive) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(strings.get("wrongArchType", moduleUri));
} catch (IOException e) {
_logger.log(Level.FINE, "Sub archive " + moduleUri + " seems unreadable" ,e);
if (sub!=null) {
try {
ArchiveHandler handler =
if (handler == null) {
handler = getArchiveHandlerFromModuleType(md.getModuleType());
if (handler == null) {
handler = deployment.getArchiveHandler(sub);
moduleUri, handler);
if (handler!=null) {
ActionReport subReport =
// todo : this is a hack, once again,
// the handler is assuming a file:// url
ExtendedDeploymentContext subContext =
new DeploymentContextImpl(subReport,
DeployCommandParameters.class), env) {
public File getScratchDir(String subDirName) {
String modulePortion = Util.getURIName(
return (new File(super.getScratchDir(
subDirName), modulePortion));
// sub context will store the root archive handler also
// so we can figure out the enclosing archive type
ClassLoader subCl = handler.getClassLoader(cl, subContext);
if (md.getModuleType().equals(XModuleType.EJB)) {
// for ejb module, we just add the ejb urls
// to EarClassLoader and use that to load