Package org.geowebcache.mime

Examples of org.geowebcache.mime.MimeType

        Map<String, String> keysValues = new TreeMap<String, String>();

        Iterator<MimeType> iter = tl.getMimeTypes().iterator();

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            MimeType mime =;
            keysValues.put(mime.getFormat(), mime.getFormat());

        makePullDown(doc, "format", keysValues, ImageMime.png.getFormat());
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        layer = tld.getTileLayer(layerName);

        List<MimeType> ml = layer.getMimeTypes();
        Iterator<MimeType> iter = ml.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            MimeType mt =;
            if (mt.getInternalName().equalsIgnoreCase("png")) {
                this.srcFormat = (ImageMime) mt;

        gridSubset = layer.getGridSubsetForSRS(SRS.getSRS(values.get("srs")));
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                requestParameterMap, encoding, paramKeys);

        final Map<String, String> fullParameters = tileLayer.getModifiableParameters(
                requestParameterMap, encoding);

        final MimeType mimeType;
        String format = paramValues.get("format");
        try {
            mimeType = MimeType.createFromFormat(format);
        } catch (MimeException me) {
            throw new ServiceException("Unable to determine requested format, " + format);
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                    + ") is missing or not sane");

        // long[] tileIndex = gridSubset.closestIndex(bbox);

        MimeType mimeType;
        try {
            mimeType = MimeType.createFromFormat(values.get("info_format"));
        } catch (MimeException me) {
            throw new GeoWebCacheException("The info_format parameter ("
                    + values.get("info_format") + ")is missing or not recognized.");

        ConveyorTile gfiConv = new ConveyorTile(sb, tl.getName(), gridSubset.getName(), null,
                mimeType, null, tile.servletReq, tile.servletResp);

        int x, y;
        try {
            x = Integer.parseInt(values.get("x"));
            y = Integer.parseInt(values.get("y"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new GeoWebCacheException(
                    "The parameters for x and y must both be positive integers.");

        int height, width;
        try {
            height = Integer.parseInt(values.get("height"));
            width = Integer.parseInt(values.get("width"));
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            throw new GeoWebCacheException(
                    "The parameters for height and width must both be positive integers.");

        Resource data = tl.getFeatureInfo(gfiConv, bbox, height, width, x, y);

        try {
            ServletOutputStream outputStream = tile.servletResp.getOutputStream();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
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     * @return
     * @throws OutsideCoverageException
    public ConveyorTile getTile(ConveyorTile tile) throws GeoWebCacheException, IOException,
            OutsideCoverageException {
        MimeType mime = tile.getMimeType();

        if (mime == null) {
            mime = this.formats.get(0);

        if (!formats.contains(mime)) {
            throw new GeoWebCacheException(mime.getFormat() + " is not a supported format for "
                    + name);

        String tileGridSetId = tile.getGridSetId();

        long[] gridLoc = tile.getTileIndex();

        // Final preflight check, throws exception if necessary

        ConveyorTile returnTile;

        try {
            if (tryCacheFetch(tile)) {
                returnTile = finalizeTile(tile);
            } else if (mime.supportsTiling()) { // Okay, so we need to go to the backend
                returnTile = getMetatilingReponse(tile, true);
            } else {
                returnTile = getNonMetatilingReponse(tile, true);
        } finally {
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        GridSubset gridSubset = subSets.get(tile.getGridSetId());

        // GridCalculator gridCalc = getGrid(tile.getSRS()).getGridCalculator();

        MimeType mimeType = tile.getMimeType();
        Map<String, String> fullParameters = tile.getFullParameters();
        if (fullParameters.isEmpty()) {
            fullParameters = getDefaultParameterFilters();
        WMSMetaTile metaTile = new WMSMetaTile(this, gridSubset, mimeType,
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            cacheTileFormat = "JPEG";
        } else if (cacheTileFormat.toLowerCase().startsWith("png")) {
            cacheTileFormat = "png";
        cacheTileFormat = "image/" + cacheTileFormat.toLowerCase();
        MimeType format;
        try {
            format = MimeType.createFromFormat(cacheTileFormat);
        } catch (MimeException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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        return blank != null;

    private String getTilePath(final ConveyorTile tile) {

        final MimeType mimeType = tile.getMimeType();
        final long[] tileIndex = tile.getTileIndex();
        final String gridSetId = tile.getGridSetId();
        final GridSubset gridSubset = this.getGridSubset(gridSetId);

        GridSet gridSet = gridSubset.getGridSet();
        final int z = (int) tileIndex[2];

        Grid grid = gridSet.getGrids()[z];

        // long[] coverage = gridSubset.getCoverage(z);
        // long coverageMinY = coverage[1];
        long coverageMaxY = grid.getExtent()[1] - 1;

        final long x = tileIndex[0];
        // invert the order of the requested Y ordinate, since ArcGIS caches are top-left to
        // bottom-right, and GWC computes tiles in bottom-left to top-right order
        final long y = (coverageMaxY - tileIndex[1]);

        String level = Integer.toHexString(z);
        level = zeroPadder(level, 2);

        String row = Long.toHexString(y);
        row = zeroPadder(row, 8);

        String col = Long.toHexString(x);
        col = zeroPadder(col, 8);

        StringBuilder path = getLayerPath();


        String fileExtension = mimeType.getFileExtension();
        if ("jpeg".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
            fileExtension = "jpg";
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            if (layer.getMimeTypes() != null) {
                Iterator<MimeType> mimeIter = layer.getMimeTypes().iterator();
                while (mimeIter.hasNext()) {
                    MimeType mime =;
            } else {
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    public static TileRange createTileRange(SeedRequest req, TileLayer tl)
            throws GeoWebCacheException {
        int zoomStart = req.getZoomStart().intValue();
        int zoomStop = req.getZoomStop().intValue();

        MimeType mimeType = null;
        String format = req.getMimeFormat();
        if (format == null) {
            mimeType = tl.getMimeTypes().get(0);
        } else {
            try {
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Related Classes of org.geowebcache.mime.MimeType

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