+ ") is missing or not sane");
// long[] tileIndex = gridSubset.closestIndex(bbox);
MimeType mimeType;
try {
mimeType = MimeType.createFromFormat(values.get("info_format"));
} catch (MimeException me) {
throw new GeoWebCacheException("The info_format parameter ("
+ values.get("info_format") + ")is missing or not recognized.");
ConveyorTile gfiConv = new ConveyorTile(sb, tl.getName(), gridSubset.getName(), null,
mimeType, null, tile.servletReq, tile.servletResp);
int x, y;
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(values.get("x"));
y = Integer.parseInt(values.get("y"));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new GeoWebCacheException(
"The parameters for x and y must both be positive integers.");
int height, width;
try {
height = Integer.parseInt(values.get("height"));
width = Integer.parseInt(values.get("width"));
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new GeoWebCacheException(
"The parameters for height and width must both be positive integers.");
Resource data = tl.getFeatureInfo(gfiConv, bbox, height, width, x, y);
try {
ServletOutputStream outputStream = tile.servletResp.getOutputStream();
} catch (IOException ioe) {