return blank != null;
private String getTilePath(final ConveyorTile tile) {
final MimeType mimeType = tile.getMimeType();
final long[] tileIndex = tile.getTileIndex();
final String gridSetId = tile.getGridSetId();
final GridSubset gridSubset = this.getGridSubset(gridSetId);
GridSet gridSet = gridSubset.getGridSet();
final int z = (int) tileIndex[2];
Grid grid = gridSet.getGridLevels()[z];
// long[] coverage = gridSubset.getCoverage(z);
// long coverageMinY = coverage[1];
long coverageMaxY = grid.getNumTilesHigh() - 1;
final long x = tileIndex[0];
// invert the order of the requested Y ordinate, since ArcGIS caches are top-left to
// bottom-right, and GWC computes tiles in bottom-left to top-right order
final long y = (coverageMaxY - tileIndex[1]);
String level = Integer.toHexString(z);
level = zeroPadder(level, 2);
String row = Long.toHexString(y);
row = zeroPadder(row, 8);
String col = Long.toHexString(x);
col = zeroPadder(col, 8);
StringBuilder path = getLayerPath();
String fileExtension = mimeType.getFileExtension();
if ("jpeg".equalsIgnoreCase(fileExtension)) {
fileExtension = "jpg";