return result;
private PageStats upsertTilePageHitAccessTime(PageStatsPayload payload) {
TilePage page = payload.getPage();
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {"Updating page " + page + " with payload " + payload);
int modified = 0;
int count = 0;
PageStats stats = null;
while (modified == 0 && count < maxLoops) {
try {
stats = getPageStats(page.getKey());
if (stats != null) {
// gather the old values, we'll use them for the optimistic locking
final BigInteger oldHits = stats.getNumHits();
final float oldFrequency = stats.getFrequencyOfUsePerMinute();
final int oldAccessTime = stats.getLastAccessTimeMinutes();
// update the page so that it computes the new stats
updatePageStats(payload, page, stats);
// update the record in the db
String update = dialect.updatePageStats(schema, "key", "newHits",
"oldHits", "newFrequency", "oldFrequency", "newAccessTime",
Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
params.put("key", page.getKey());
params.put("newHits", new BigDecimal(stats.getNumHits()));
params.put("oldHits", new BigDecimal(oldHits));
params.put("newFrequency", stats.getFrequencyOfUsePerMinute());
params.put("oldFrequency", oldFrequency);
params.put("newAccessTime", stats.getLastAccessTimeMinutes());
params.put("oldAccessTime", oldAccessTime);
modified = jt.update(update, params);
} else {
// create the new stats and insert it
stats = new PageStats(0);
updatePageStats(payload, page, stats);
modified = createNewPageStats(stats, page);
} catch(DeadlockLoserDataAccessException e) {
if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Deadlock while updating page stats, will retry", e);
if (modified == 0) {
throw new ConcurrencyFailureException(
"Failed to create or update page stats for page "
+ payload.getPage() + " after " + count + " attempts");
return stats;
private void updatePageStats(PageStatsPayload payload, TilePage page,
PageStats stats) {
final int addedHits = payload.getNumHits();
final int lastAccessTimeMinutes = (int) (payload.getLastAccessTime() / 1000 / 60);
final int creationTimeMinutes = page.getCreationTimeMinutes();
stats.addHitsAndAccessTime(addedHits, lastAccessTimeMinutes,