public static String getVersionPreOws(List<String> providedList, List<String> acceptedList) {
//first figure out which versions are provided
TreeSet<Version> provided = new TreeSet<Version>();
for (String v : providedList) {
provided.add(new Version(v));
// if no accept list provided, we return the biggest
if(acceptedList == null || acceptedList.isEmpty())
return provided.last().toString();
//next figure out what the client accepts (and check they are good version numbers)
TreeSet<Version> accepted = new TreeSet<Version>();
for (String v : acceptedList) {
checkVersionNumber(v, null);
accepted.add(new Version(v));
// prune out those not provided
for (Iterator<Version> v = accepted.iterator(); v.hasNext();) {
Version version = (Version) v.next();
if (!provided.contains(version)) {
// lookup a matching version
String version = null;
if (!accepted.isEmpty()) {
//return the highest version provided
version = ((Version) accepted.last()).toString();
} else {
for (String v : acceptedList) {
accepted.add(new Version(v));
//if highest accepted less then lowest provided, send lowest
if ((accepted.last()).compareTo(provided.first()) < 0) {
version = (provided.first()).toString();
//if lowest accepted is greater then highest provided, send highest
if ((accepted.first()).compareTo(provided.last()) > 0) {
version = (provided.last()).toString();
if (version == null) {
//go through from lowest to highest, and return highest provided
// that is less than the highest accepted
Iterator<Version> v = provided.iterator();
Version last = v.next();
for (; v.hasNext();) {
Version current = v.next();
if (current.compareTo(accepted.last()) > 0) {
last = current;