if (dcs.getDimensionTrim() == null || dcs.getDimensionTrim().size() == 0) {
return Query.ALL;
// find out what the selection is about
DateRange timeRange = null;
NumberRange<Double> lonRange = null;
NumberRange<Double> latRange = null;
for (DimensionTrimType trim : dcs.getDimensionTrim()) {
String name = trim.getDimension();
if ("Long".equals(name)) {
if (lonRange != null) {
throw new WCS20Exception("Long trim specified more than once",
OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "subset");
lonRange = parseNumberRange(trim);
} else if ("Lat".equals(name)) {
if (latRange != null) {
throw new WCS20Exception("Lat trim specified more than once",
OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "subset");
latRange = parseNumberRange(trim);
} else if ("phenomenonTime".equals(name)) {
if (timeRange != null) {
throw new WCS20Exception("phenomenonTime trim specified more than once",
OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "subset");
timeRange = parseDateRange(trim);
} else {
throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid dimension name " + name
+ ", the only valid values "
+ "by WCS EO spec are Long, Lat and phenomenonTime",
OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "subset");
// check the desired containment
boolean overlaps;
String containment = dcs.getContainmentType();
if (containment == null || "overlaps".equals(containment)) {
overlaps = true;
} else if ("contains".equals(containment)) {
overlaps = false;
} else {
throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid containment value " + containment
+ ", the only valid values by WCS EO spec are contains and overlaps",
OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "containment");
// spatial subset
FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();
Filter filter = null;
if (lonRange != null || latRange != null) {
try {
// we are going to intersect the trims with the original envelope
// since the trims can only be expressed in wgs84 we need to reproject back and forth
ReferencedEnvelope original = new ReferencedEnvelope(reader.getOriginalEnvelope())
.transform(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, true);
if (lonRange != null) {
ReferencedEnvelope lonTrim = new ReferencedEnvelope(lonRange.getMinimum(),
lonRange.getMaximum(), -90, 90, DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
original = new ReferencedEnvelope(original.intersection(lonTrim), DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
if (latRange != null) {
ReferencedEnvelope latTrim = new ReferencedEnvelope(-180, 180,
latRange.getMinimum(), latRange.getMaximum(),
original = new ReferencedEnvelope(original.intersection(latTrim), DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
if (original.isEmpty()) {
filter = Filter.EXCLUDE;
} else {
Polygon llPolygon = JTS.toGeometry(original);
GeometryDescriptor geom = reader.getGranules(coverageName, true).getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor();
PropertyName geometryProperty = ff.property(geom.getLocalName());
Geometry nativeCRSPolygon = JTS.transform(llPolygon, CRS.findMathTransform(DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84, reader.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()));
Literal polygonLiteral = ff.literal(nativeCRSPolygon);
if(overlaps) {
filter = ff.intersects(geometryProperty, polygonLiteral);
} else {
filter = ff.within(geometryProperty, polygonLiteral);
} catch(Exception e) {
throw new WCS20Exception("Failed to translate the spatial trim into a native filter", e);
// temporal subset
if (timeRange != null && filter != Filter.EXCLUDE) {
DimensionDescriptor timeDescriptor = WCSDimensionsHelper.getDimensionDescriptor(reader, coverageName, "TIME");
String start = timeDescriptor.getStartAttribute();
String end = timeDescriptor.getEndAttribute();
Filter timeFilter;
if(end == null) {
// single value time
timeFilter = ff.between(ff.property(start), ff.literal(timeRange.getMinValue()), ff.literal(timeRange.getMaxValue()));
} else {
// range value, we need to account for containment then
if(overlaps) {
Filter f1 = ff.lessOrEqual(ff.property(start), ff.literal(timeRange.getMaxValue()));
Filter f2 = ff.greaterOrEqual(ff.property(end), ff.literal(timeRange.getMinValue()));
timeFilter = ff.and(Arrays.asList(f1, f2));
} else {
Filter f1 = ff.greaterOrEqual(ff.property(start), ff.literal(timeRange.getMinValue()));
Filter f2 = ff.lessOrEqual(ff.property(end), ff.literal(timeRange.getMaxValue()));
timeFilter = ff.and(Arrays.asList(f1, f2));
if(filter == null) {