Package org.geotools.referencing.operation.matrix

Examples of org.geotools.referencing.operation.matrix.GeneralMatrix

    public static LinearTransform createTranslation(final int dimension, final double offset) {
        if (offset == 0) {
            return IdentityTransform.create(dimension);
        final Matrix matrix = new GeneralMatrix(dimension + 1);
        for (int i=0; i<dimension; i++) {
            matrix.setElement(i, dimension, offset);
        return create(matrix);
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     * For a matrix transform, the derivative is the
     * same everywhere.
    public Matrix derivative(final DirectPosition point) {
        final GeneralMatrix matrix = getGeneralMatrix();
        matrix.setSize(numRow-1, numCol-1);
        return matrix;
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     * Returns a copy of the matrix.
    private GeneralMatrix getGeneralMatrix() {
        return new GeneralMatrix(numRow, numCol, elt);
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                final XMatrix matrix;
                if (numCol == matrix2.getNumCol()) {
                    matrix = matrix2;
                } else {
                    final GeneralMatrix m = new GeneralMatrix(numRow, numCol);
                    m.mul(toGMatrix(matrix2), toGMatrix(matrix1));
                    matrix = m;
                if (matrix.isIdentity(EPSILON)) {
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        final XMatrix matrix;
        if (numCol == matrix2.getNumCol()) {
            matrix = toXMatrix(matrix2);
        } else {
            final GeneralMatrix m = new GeneralMatrix(numRow, numCol);
            m.mul(toGMatrix(matrix2), toGMatrix(matrix1));
            matrix = m;
        return matrix;
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         * @see org.geotools.coverage.grid.GridGeometry2D#getGridToCRS2D
        protected RenderContext createRenderContext(final Rectangle2D gridBounds,
                                                    final RenderingHints hints)
            final GeneralMatrix matrix;
            final GeneralEnvelope srcEnvelope = new GeneralEnvelope(bounds);
            final GeneralEnvelope dstEnvelope = new GeneralEnvelope(gridBounds);
            if (crs != null) {
                final CoordinateSystem cs = crs.getCoordinateSystem();
                final AxisDirection[] axis = new AxisDirection[] {
                final AxisDirection[] normalized = axis.clone();
                if (false) {
                    // Normalize axis: Is it really a good idea?
                    // We should provide a rendering hint for configuring that.
                    for (int i = normalized.length; --i >= 0;) {
                        normalized[i] = normalized[i].absolute();
                normalized[1] = normalized[1].opposite(); // Image's Y axis is downward.
                matrix = new GeneralMatrix(srcEnvelope, axis, dstEnvelope, normalized);
            } else {
                matrix = new GeneralMatrix(srcEnvelope, dstEnvelope);
            return new RenderContext(matrix.toAffineTransform2D(), hints);
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                rows[nRows++] = row;
            rows = XArray.resize(rows, nRows);
            if (hasLastRow) {
                return factory.createAffineTransform(new GeneralMatrix(rows));
            // In an affine transform,  the last row is not supposed to have dependency
            // to any input dimension. But in this particuler case, our matrix has such
            // dependencies. TODO: is there anything we could do about that?
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     * each transformation parameter (sx, sy, sxy, phi, tx,ty). The rows are derivations of fx and fy.
     * @return A matrix
    protected GeneralMatrix getA() {
        GeneralMatrix A = new GeneralMatrix(2 * this.getMappedPositions().size(), 6);

        double cosphix = Math.cos(phix);
        double sinphix = Math.sin(phix);
        double cosphiy = Math.cos(phiy);
        double sinphiy = Math.sin(phiy);

         * Each row is calculated with values of proper GCPs
        for (int j = 0; j < (A.getNumRow() / 2); j++) {
            double x = getSourcePoints()[j].getOrdinate(0);
            double y = getSourcePoints()[j].getOrdinate(1);

             * Derivation X
            double dxsx = cosphix*x;
            double dxsy = - sinphiy * y;
            double dxphix = -sx*sinphix* x;
            double dxphiy = -sy*cosphiy* y ;
            double dxtx = 1;
            double dxty = 0;

             * Derivation Y
            double dysx = sinphix * x;
            double dysy = cosphiy * y;
            double dyphix =  sx*cosphix*x;
            double dyphiy = -sy*sinphiy* y ;
            double dytx = 0;
            double dyty = 1;
            A.setRow(j,                   new double[] { dxsx, dxsy, dxphix, dxphiy, dxtx, dxty });
            A.setRow(A.getNumRow()/2 + j, new double[] { dysx, dysy, dyphix, dyphiy, dytx, dyty });

        return A;
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     * Fill L matrix. This matrix contains differences between expected value and value
     * calculated from affine parameters
     * @return l matrix
    protected GeneralMatrix getL() {
        GeneralMatrix l = new GeneralMatrix(2 * this.getMappedPositions().size(), 1);

        double cosphix = Math.cos(phix);
        double sinphix = Math.sin(phix);
        double cosphiy = Math.cos(phiy);
        double sinphiy = Math.sin(phiy);

        for (int j = 0; j < (l.getNumRow() / 2); j++) {
            double x = getSourcePoints()[j].getOrdinate(0);
            double y = getSourcePoints()[j].getOrdinate(1);

            /* a1 is target value - transfomed value*/
            double dx = getTargetPoints()[j].getOrdinate(0)
                - (sx*cosphix*x -  sy*sinphiy*y + tx);               
            double dy = getTargetPoints()[j].getOrdinate(1)
                - (sx*sinphix*x + sy*cosphiy*y + ty);           
            l.setElement(j, 0, dx);
            l.setElement((l.getNumRow() / 2) + j, 0, dy);

        return l;
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    private GeneralMatrix getDxMatrix(double tolerance, int maxSteps)
        throws FactoryException {
         * Matrix of new calculated coefficients
        GeneralMatrix xNew = new GeneralMatrix(6, 1);

         * Matrix of coefficients calculated in previous iteration
        GeneralMatrix xOld = new GeneralMatrix(6, 1);

         * Difference between each steps of iteration
        GeneralMatrix dxMatrix = new GeneralMatrix(6, 1);

         * Zero matrix
        GeneralMatrix zero = new GeneralMatrix(6, 1);

         * Result
        GeneralMatrix xk = new GeneralMatrix(6 + valueConstrain.size(), 1);

        // i is a number of iterations
        int i = 0;

        // iteration
        do {
            xOld.set(new double[] { sx, sy, phix, phiy, tx, ty });

            GeneralMatrix A = getA();
            GeneralMatrix l = getL();

            GeneralMatrix AT = A.clone();

            GeneralMatrix ATA = new GeneralMatrix(6, 6);
            GeneralMatrix ATl = new GeneralMatrix(6, 1);

            ATA.mul(AT, A);
            ATl.mul(AT, l);

            GeneralMatrix AB = createAB(ATA, getB());


            GeneralMatrix AU = createAU(ATl, getU());
            xk.mul(AB, AU);

            xk.copySubMatrix(0, 0, 6, xk.getNumCol(), 0, 0, dxMatrix);

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Related Classes of org.geotools.referencing.operation.matrix.GeneralMatrix

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