This binding that searches the substitution group of XSD element children to find properties of a complex attribute. This is necessary to support the GML property type pattern, in which a property (a property-type type) contains a property that is a member of a substitution group. gml:AttributeType is the canonical example of the property type pattern.
gml:FeaturePropertyType is an example of the property type pattern that has an explicit binding {@link FeaturePropertyTypeBinding}, but because an application schema may define more property types whose names are not known at compile time, a binding like {@link FeaturePropertyTypeBinding} cannot be written. This class exists to handle theseapplication-schema-defined property types.
This class supports the encoding of XML complexType with simpleContent through extraction of a simpleContent property, as well as encoding XML attributes stored in the UserData map. @author Ben Caradoc-Davies, CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering @source $URL$