<complexType abstract="true" name="AbstractGeometryType"> <annotation> <documentation>All geometry elements are derived directly or indirectly from this abstract supertype. A geometry element may have an identifying attribute ("gml:id"), a name (attribute "name") and a description (attribute "description"). It may be associated with a spatial reference system (attribute "srsName"). The following rules shall be adhered: - Every geometry type shall derive from this abstract type. - Every geometry element (i.e. an element of a geometry type) shall be directly or indirectly in the substitution group of _Geometry.</documentation> </annotation> <complexContent> <extension base="gml:AbstractGMLType"> <attribute name="gid" type="string" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation>This attribute is included for backward compatibility with GML 2 and is deprecated with GML 3. This identifer is superceded by "gml:id" inherited from AbstractGMLType. The attribute "gid" should not be used anymore and may be deleted in future versions of GML without further notice.</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attributeGroup ref="gml:SRSReferenceGroup"/> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType>
@source $URL$