public static boolean isCCW(Coordinate[] ring) {
// # of points without closing endpoint
int nPts = ring.length - 1;
// find highest point
Coordinate hiPt = ring[0];
int hiIndex = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= nPts; i++) {
Coordinate p = ring[i];
if (p.y > hiPt.y) {
hiPt = p;
hiIndex = i;
// find distinct point before highest point
int iPrev = hiIndex;
do {
iPrev = iPrev - 1;
if (iPrev < 0)
iPrev = nPts;
} while (ring[iPrev].equals2D(hiPt) && iPrev != hiIndex);
// find distinct point after highest point
int iNext = hiIndex;
do {
iNext = (iNext + 1) % nPts;
} while (ring[iNext].equals2D(hiPt) && iNext != hiIndex);
Coordinate prev = ring[iPrev];
Coordinate next = ring[iNext];
* This check catches cases where the ring contains an A-B-A
* configuration of points. This can happen if the ring does not contain
* 3 distinct points (including the case where the input array has fewer
* than 4 elements), or it contains coincident line segments.
if (prev.equals2D(hiPt) || next.equals2D(hiPt) || prev.equals2D(next))
return false;
int disc = computeOrientation(prev, hiPt, next);