
Examples of$Response

    * Returns whether the given node exists.
   public boolean exists(Fqn name) throws Exception
      Response response = connection.head(getBucket(), key(name));
      if (trace)
         log.trace("exists " + name + " response=" + response);
      return response.isOk();
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      put0(name, wrap(map));

   private void put0(Fqn name, S3Object obj) throws Exception
      Response response = connection.put(getBucket(), key(name), obj);
      if (trace)
         log.trace("put " + name + " obj=" + obj + " response=" + response);
      if (!response.isOk())
         throw new S3Exception("Put failed " + response);
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         for (String child : children)
            remove(Fqn.fromRelativeElements(name, child));
      Response response = connection.delete(getBucket(), key(name));
      if (trace)
         log.trace("delete " + name + " response=" + response);
      if (!response.isOk() && !response.isNotFound())
         throw new S3Exception("delete failed " + response);
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         this.connection = config.getConnection();
         Response create = connection.create(getBucket(), config.getLocation());
         if (!create.isOk())
            throw new S3Exception("Unable to create bucket: " + create);"S3 accessed successfully. Bucket created: " + create);
      catch (Exception e)
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         this.connection = config.getConnection();
         Response create = connection.create(getBucket(), config.getLocation());
         if (!create.isOk())
            throw new S3Exception("Unable to create bucket: " + create);"S3 accessed successfully. Bucket created: " + create);
      catch (Exception e)
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    * Returns whether the given node exists.
   public boolean exists(Fqn name) throws Exception
      Response response = connection.head(getBucket(), key(name));
      if (trace)
         log.trace("exists " + name + " response=" + response);
      return response.isOk();
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      put0(name, wrap(map));

   private void put0(Fqn name, S3Object obj) throws Exception
      Response response = connection.put(getBucket(), key(name), obj);
      if (trace)
         log.trace("put " + name + " obj=" + obj + " response=" + response);
      if (!response.isOk())
         throw new S3Exception("Put failed " + response);
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         for (String child : children)
            remove(Fqn.fromRelativeElements(name, child));
      Response response = connection.delete(getBucket(), key(name));
      if (trace)
         log.trace("delete " + name + " response=" + response);
      if (!response.isOk() && !response.isNotFound())
         throw new S3Exception("delete failed " + response);
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                LockRequest.Lock curLock = (LockRequest.Lock);

                String curTypeName = curLock.getFeatureType();

                FeatureTypeInfo meta = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(curTypeName);
                FeatureLocking source = (FeatureLocking) meta.getFeatureSource();

                Transaction t = new DefaultTransaction();

                try {
                        .getAuthorization(), t);
                } finally {
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                    if ((request.getLockId() != null)
                            && store instanceof FeatureLocking
                            && (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.SOME)) {
                        FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking) store;

                        // TODO: Revisit Lock/Delete interaction in gt2
                        if (false) {
                            // REVISIT: This is bad - by releasing locks before
                            // we remove features we open ourselves up to the danger
                            // of someone else locking the features we are about to
                            // remove.
                            // We cannot do it the other way round, as the Features will
                            // not exist
                            // We cannot grab the fids offline using AUTO_COMMIT
                            // because we may have removed some of them earlier in the
                            // transaction
                        } else {
                            // This a bit better and what should be done, we will
                            // need to rework the gt2 locking api to work with
                            // fids or something
                            // The only other thing that would work would be
                            // to specify that FeatureLocking is required to
                            // remove locks when removing Features.
                            // While that sounds like a good idea, it would be
                            // extra work when doing release mode ALL.
                            DataStore data = store.getDataStore();
                            FilterFactory factory = FilterFactory
                            FeatureWriter writer;                           
                            writer = data.getFeatureWriter(typeName, filter,

                            try {
                                while (writer.hasNext()) {
                                    String fid =;
                            } finally {

                    } else {
                        // We don't have to worry about locking right now

                } catch (IOException ioException) {
                    throw new WfsTransactionException(ioException.getMessage(),
                        element.getHandle(), request.getHandle());

            if (element instanceof InsertRequest) {
                if ((request.getWFS().getServiceLevel() & WFSDTO.SERVICE_INSERT) == 0) {
                    // could we catch this during the handler, rather than during execution?
                    throw new ServiceException(
                        "Transaction INSERT support is not enabled");
                LOGGER.finer( "Transasction Insert:"+element );
                try {
                    InsertRequest insert = (InsertRequest) element;
                    FeatureCollection collection = insert.getFeatures();

                    FeatureReader reader = DataUtilities.reader(collection);
                    FeatureType schema = store.getSchema();

                    // Need to use the namespace here for the lookup, due to our weird
                    // prefixed internal typenames.  see
                    // Once we get our datastores making features with the correct namespaces
                    // we can do something like this:
                    // FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(schema.getTypeName(), schema.getNamespace());
                    // until then (when geos-144 is resolved) we're stuck with:
                    FeatureTypeInfo typeInfo = catalog.getFeatureTypeInfo(element.getTypeName() );

                    // this is possible with the insert hack above.
                    LOGGER.finer("Use featureValidation to check contents of insert" );
                    featureValidation( typeInfo.getDataStoreInfo().getId(), schema, collection );

                    Set fids = store.addFeatures(reader);
                    build.addInsertResult(element.getHandle(), fids);

                    // Add to validation check envelope                               
                } catch (IOException ioException) {
                    throw new WfsTransactionException(ioException,
                        element.getHandle(), request.getHandle());

            if (element instanceof UpdateRequest) {
                if ((request.getWFS().getServiceLevel() & WFSDTO.SERVICE_UPDATE) == 0) {
                    // could we catch this during the handler, rather than during execution?
                    throw new ServiceException(
                        "Transaction Update support is not enabled");
                LOGGER.finer( "Transaction Update:"+element);
                try {
                    UpdateRequest update = (UpdateRequest) element;
                    Filter filter = update.getFilter();

                    AttributeType[] types = update.getTypes(store.getSchema());
                    Object[] values = update.getValues();

                    DefaultQuery query = new DefaultQuery(update.getTypeName(),

                    // Pass through data to collect fids and damaged region
                    // for validation
                    Set fids = new HashSet();
                    LOGGER.finer("Preprocess to remember modification as a set of fids" );                   
                    FeatureReader preprocess = store.getFeatures( filter ).reader();
                    try {
                        while( preprocess.hasNext() ){
                            Feature feature =;
                            fids.add( feature.getID() );
                            envelope.expandToInclude( feature.getBounds() );
                    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                        throw new ServiceException( "Could not aquire FeatureIDs", e );
                    } catch (IllegalAttributeException e) {
                        throw new ServiceException( "Could not aquire FeatureIDs", e );
                    finally {
                      if (types.length == 1) {
                          store.modifyFeatures(types[0], values[0], filter);
                      } else {
                          store.modifyFeatures(types, values, filter);
                }catch (IOException e//DJB: this is for cite tests.  We should probaby do this for all the exceptions here - throw a transaction FAIL instead of serice exception 
                  //this failed - we want a FAILED not a service exception!
                  build = new WfsTransResponse(WfsTransResponse.FAILED,
                   // add in exception details here??
                  response = build;
                  // DJB: it looks like the transaction is rolled back in writeTo()
                    if ((request.getLockId() != null)
                            && store instanceof FeatureLocking
                            && (request.getReleaseAction() == TransactionRequest.SOME)) {
                        FeatureLocking locking = (FeatureLocking) store;
                    // Post process - check features for changed boundary and
                    // pass them off to the ValidationProcessor
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Related Classes of$Response

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