Constructs a live DataAccess from a set of connection parameters.
The following example shows how a user might connect to a PostGIS database, and maintain the resulting datastore in a Registry:
HashMap params = new HashMap(); params.put("namespace", "leeds"); params.put("dbtype", "postgis"); params.put("host",""); params.put("port", "5432"); params.put("database","postgis_test"); params.put("user","postgis_ro"); params.put("passwd","postgis_ro"); DefaultRegistry registry = new DefaultRegistry(); registry.addDataStore("leeds", params); DataStore postgis = registry.getDataStore( "leeds" ); SimpleFeatureSource = postgis.getFeatureSource( "table" );
The required parameters are described by the getParameterInfo() method. Client
Implementation Notes
An instance of this interface should exist for all DataAccess implementations that want to advantage of the dynamic plug-in system. In addition to implementing this interface a DataAccess implementation should provide a services file:
The file should contain a single line which gives the full name of the implementing class.
The factories are never called directly by client code, instead the DataStoreFinder class is used.
@author Jody Garnett (Refractions Research)
@source $URL$