// XXX Optimize when referenced envelope has intersection method that actually retains the CRS, this is the JTS one
requestedBBox=new ReferencedEnvelope(((ReferencedEnvelope) requestedBBox).intersection(coverageBBox),coverageCRS2D);
//compute approximate full resolution
// compute the approximated full resolution in wgs84
final GridToEnvelopeMapper geMapper= new GridToEnvelopeMapper(new GridEnvelope2D(requestedRasterArea),requestedBBox);
} catch (TransformException te) {
// something bad happened while trying to transform this
// envelope. let's try with wgs84
// //
// If this does not work, we go back to reproject in the wgs84
// requested envelope
// //
//convert to WGS84
final GeographicBoundingBoxImpl geographicRequestedBBox = new GeographicBoundingBoxImpl(requestedBBox);
ReferencedEnvelope approximateWGS84requestedBBox =GridCoverageUtilities.getReferencedEnvelopeFromGeographicBoundingBox(geographicRequestedBBox);
// checking the intersection in wgs84 with the geographicbbox for this coverage
if (!approximateWGS84requestedBBox.intersects((BoundingBox)coverageGeographicBBox))
requestedBBox = null;
//compute approximate full resolution
// compute the approximated full resolution in wgs84
final GridToEnvelopeMapper geMapper= new GridToEnvelopeMapper(new GridEnvelope2D(requestedRasterArea),approximateWGS84requestedBBox);
// intersect with the coverage native WGS84 bbox
// note that for the moment we got to use general envelope since there is no intersection othrewise
// TODO fix then we'll have intersection in ReferencedEnvelope