public void testInterpoaltion(){
BufferedImage bimage = new BufferedImage(100, 100, BufferedImage.TYPE_USHORT_GRAY);
bimage.setRGB(4, 3, 4);
GridCoverageFactory p = new GridCoverageFactory() ;
float[][] g = new float[10][10];
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = DefaultEngineeringCRS.CARTESIAN_2D;
// Define the Envelope for our work; this will be the bounds of the final interpolation
GeneralDirectPosition min = new GeneralDirectPosition( 0.0, 0.0 );
GeneralDirectPosition max = new GeneralDirectPosition( 100.0, 100.0 );
GeneralEnvelope env = new GeneralEnvelope(min, max);
Hints k;
GridCoverageFactory fac = new GridCoverageFactory();
GridCoverage2D cov = fac.create("sd", g, env);
// Generate some known points to root the interpolation
DirectPosition a = new DirectPosition2D(crs,10,10);
DirectPosition b = new DirectPosition2D(crs,80,80);
DirectPosition c = new DirectPosition2D(crs,10,90);
DirectPosition d = new DirectPosition2D(crs,80,10);
// Define at each point the values to be interpolated; we do this in a HashMap
Map<DirectPosition, Float> pointsAndValues = new HashMap();
pointsAndValues.put(a, new Float(6.5456));
pointsAndValues.put(b, new Float(1.541906));
pointsAndValues.put(c, new Float(-9.54456));
pointsAndValues.put(d, new Float(7.2345));
//now we can construct the Interpolation Object
TPSInterpolation interp = new TPSInterpolation(pointsAndValues, 100, 100, env);
// We can create and show a coverage image of the interpolation within the Envelope
GridCoverageFactory gcf = new GridCoverageFactory();
GridCoverage2D coverage = gcf.create("Intepolated Coverage", interp.get2DGrid(), env);//.show();
//Assert.assertEquals( Double.parseDouble((coverage.evaluate(a, (Set)(new HashSet())).iterator().next()).toString()), pointsAndValues.get(a).floatValue(), 0.01);
Assert.assertEquals( coverage.evaluate(a, new float[1])[0], pointsAndValues.get(a).floatValue(), 0.01);