Instances of this class are expected to be declared in the application context supplying the prescribed MIME-Type to create maps for, and the list of output format names to be declared in the GetCapabilities document. Note that the prescribed MIME-Type (the MIME Type the produced images are to be encoded as and that is to be set in the response HTTP Content-Type header) may differ from what's declared in the capabilities document, hence the separation of concerns and the two different arguments in the constructor (for example, a declared output format of {@code image/geotiff8} may indicate to create an indexed geotiff image with 8-bit pixel depth,but the resulting MIME-Type be {@code image/tiff}.
Whether or not the output format instance permits images with transparency and/or indexed 8-bit color model is described by the {@link #isTransparencySupported() transparencySupported} and{@link #isPaletteSupported() paletteSupported} properties respectively.
@author Chris Holmes, TOPP @author Simone Giannecchini, GeoSolutions @author Andrea Aime @author Gabriel Roldan @version $Id$ @see RenderedImageMapOutputFormat @see PNGMapResponse @see GIFMapResponse @see TIFFMapResponse @see GeoTIFFMapResponse @see JPEGMapResponse