Package org.geoserver.wcs2_0.eo.response

Examples of org.geoserver.wcs2_0.eo.response.DescribeEOCoverageSetTransformer

        try {
            if (!CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(subsettingCRS, sourceCRS)) {
                cropEnvelope = CRS.transform(cropEnvelope, sourceCRS);
        } catch (TransformException e) {
            throw new WCS20Exception("Unable to initialize subsetting envelope",
                    subsettingCRS.toWKT(), e);

        GridCoverage2D cropped = WCSUtils.crop(coverage, cropEnvelope);
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     * Makes sure the version is present and supported
     * @param version
    public static void checkVersion(String version) {
        if(version == null) {
            throw new WCS20Exception("Missing version", OWS20Exception.OWSExceptionCode.MissingParameterValue, version);

        if ( ! WCS20Const.V201.equals(version) && ! WCS20Const.V20.equals(version)) {
            throw new WCS20Exception("Could not understand version:" + version);
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     * Makes sure the service is present and supported
     * @param serviceName
    public static void checkService(String serviceName) {
        if( serviceName == null ) {
            throw new WCS20Exception("Missing service name", OWS20Exception.OWSExceptionCode.MissingParameterValue, "service");
        if( ! "WCS".equals(serviceName)) {
            throw new WCS20Exception("Error in service name, epected value: WCS", OWS20Exception.OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, serviceName);
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        // checks
        // TODO synonyms on axes labels
        if (dimension == null || dimension.length() <= 0) {
            throw new WCS20Exception("Empty/invalid axis label provided: " + dim.getDimension(),
                    WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidAxisLabel, "subset");
        return dimension;
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                        ReferencedEnvelope re = new ReferencedEnvelope(intersection, sourceCRS);
                        sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS = new WCSEnvelope(re.transform(subsettingCRS,
                    } else {
                        throw new WCS20Exception("Unable to initialize subsetting envelope",
                                subsettingCRS.toWKT(), e); // TODO extract code
                } catch (Exception e2) {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Unable to initialize subsetting envelope",
                            subsettingCRS.toWKT(), e2); // TODO extract code

        // check if we have to subset, if not let's send back the basic coverage
        final EList<DimensionSubsetType> requestedDimensions = request.getDimensionSubset();
            return sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS;

        int maxDimensions = 2 + enabledDimensions.size();
        if(requestedDimensions.size() > maxDimensions){
            throw new WCS20Exception(
                    "Invalid number of dimensions",

        // put aside the dimensions that we have for double checking
        final List<String> axesNames = envelopeDimensionsMapper.getAxesNames(sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS, true);
        final List<String> foundDimensions= new ArrayList<String>();
        // === parse dimensions
        // the subsetting envelope is initialized with the source envelope in subsetting CRS
        WCSEnvelope subsettingEnvelope = new WCSEnvelope(sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS);

        Set<String> dimensionKeys = enabledDimensions.keySet();
        for (DimensionSubsetType dim : requestedDimensions){
            String dimension = WCSDimensionsSubsetHelper.getDimensionName(dim);
            // skip time support
            if (WCSDimensionsSubsetHelper.TIME_NAMES.contains(dimension.toLowerCase())) {
                if (dimensionKeys.contains(ResourceInfo.TIME)) {
                    // fine, we'll parse it later
                } else {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid axis label provided: " + dimension,
                            WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidAxisLabel, null);
            if (WCSDimensionsSubsetHelper.ELEVATION_NAMES.contains(dimension.toLowerCase())) {
                if (dimensionKeys.contains(ResourceInfo.ELEVATION)) {
                    // fine, we'll parse it later
                } else {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid axis label provided: " + dimension,
                            WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidAxisLabel, null);

            boolean isCustomDimension = false;
            for (String dimensionKey : dimensionKeys){
                if (dimensionKey.equalsIgnoreCase(dimension)) {
                    isCustomDimension = true;
            if (isCustomDimension) {
            if(!axesNames.contains(dimension)) {
                throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid axis label provided: " + dimension,
                        dimension == null ? "Null" : dimension);

            // did we already do something with this dimension?
                throw new WCS20Exception("Axis label already used during subsetting",WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidAxisLabel,dimension);

            // now decide what to do
//            final String CRS= dim.getCRS();// TODO HOW DO WE USE THIS???
            if(dim instanceof DimensionTrimType){

                // TRIMMING
                final DimensionTrimType trim = (DimensionTrimType) dim;
                final double low = Double.parseDouble(trim.getTrimLow());
                final double high = Double.parseDouble(trim.getTrimHigh());

                final int axisIndex = envelopeDimensionsMapper.getAxisIndex(sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS, dimension);
                if (axisIndex < 0) {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid axis provided",WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidAxisLabel,dimension);
                // low > high && not dateline wrapping?
                if (low > high && !subsettingEnvelope.isLongitude(axisIndex)) {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Low greater than High",
                            WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, trim.getTrimLow());

                // notice how we choose the order of the axes
                subsettingEnvelope.setRange(axisIndex, low, high);
            } else if (dim instanceof DimensionSliceType) {

                // SLICING
                final DimensionSliceType slicing= (DimensionSliceType) dim;
                final String slicePointS = slicing.getSlicePoint();
                final double slicePoint=Double.parseDouble(slicePointS);           

                final int axisIndex=envelopeDimensionsMapper.getAxisIndex(sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS, dimension);
                if (axisIndex < 0) {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Invalid axis provided",WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidAxisLabel,dimension);
                // notice how we choose the order of the axes
                AffineTransform affineTransform = RequestUtils.getAffineTransform(reader.getOriginalGridToWorld(PixelInCell.CELL_CENTER));
                final double scale = axisIndex == 0 ? affineTransform.getScaleX() : -affineTransform.getScaleY();
                subsettingEnvelope.setRange(axisIndex, slicePoint, slicePoint + scale);
                // slice point outside coverage
                if (sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS.getMinimum(axisIndex) > slicePoint || slicePoint > sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS.getMaximum(axisIndex)){
                    throw new WCS20Exception(
                            "SlicePoint outside coverage envelope",
            } else {
                throw new WCS20Exception(
                        "Invalid element found while attempting to parse dimension subsetting request",

        // make sure we have not been requested to subset outside of the source CRS
        requestedEnvelope = new WCSEnvelope(subsettingEnvelope);
        subsettingEnvelope.intersect(new GeneralEnvelope(sourceEnvelopeInSubsettingCRS));

        if (subsettingEnvelope.isEmpty()) {
            throw new WCS20Exception("Empty intersection after subsetting",
                    WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "");// TODO spit our
                                                                             // envelope trimmed

        // return the subsetting envelope in the CRS it was specified into, to
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                // did we parse the range already?
                if(timeSubset != null) {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Time dimension trimming/slicing specified twice in the request",
                            WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");

                // now decide what to do
                if (dim instanceof DimensionTrimType) {

                    // TRIMMING
                    final DimensionTrimType trim = (DimensionTrimType) dim;
                    final Date low = PARSER.parseDateTime(trim.getTrimLow());
                    final Date high = PARSER.parseDateTime(trim.getTrimHigh());

                    // low > high???
                    if (low.compareTo(high) > 0) {
                        throw new WCS20Exception("Low greater than High: " + trim.getTrimLow()
                                + ", " + trim.getTrimHigh(),
                                WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");

                    timeSubset = new DateRange(low, high);
                } else if (dim instanceof DimensionSliceType) {

                    // SLICING
                    final DimensionSliceType slicing = (DimensionSliceType) dim;
                    final String slicePointS = slicing.getSlicePoint();
                    final Date slicePoint = PARSER.parseDateTime(slicePointS);
                    timeSubset = new DateRange(slicePoint, slicePoint);
                } else {
                    throw new WCS20Exception(
                            "Invalid element found while attempting to parse dimension subsetting request: " + dim.getClass()
                            .toString(), WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");

            // right now we don't support trimming
            // TODO: revisit when we have some multidimensional output support
            if(!(reader instanceof StructuredGridCoverage2DReader) && timeSubset != null && !timeSubset.getMinValue().equals(timeSubset.getMaxValue())) {
                throw new WCS20Exception("Trimming on time is not supported at the moment on not StructuredGridCoverage2DReaders, only slicing is");

            // apply nearest neighbor matching on time
            if (timeSubset != null && timeSubset.getMinValue().equals(timeSubset.getMaxValue())) {
               timeSubset = interpolateTime(timeSubset, accessor);
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                // did we parse the range already?
                if (elevationSubset != null) {
                    throw new WCS20Exception("Elevation dimension trimming/slicing specified twice in the request",
                            WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");

                // now decide what to do
                if (dim instanceof DimensionTrimType) {

                    // TRIMMING
                    final DimensionTrimType trim = (DimensionTrimType) dim;
                    final Double low = PARSER.parseDouble(trim.getTrimLow());
                    final Double high = PARSER.parseDouble(trim.getTrimHigh());

                    // low > high???
                    if (low > high) {
                        throw new WCS20Exception("Low greater than High: " + trim.getTrimLow()
                                + ", " + trim.getTrimHigh(),
                                WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");

                    elevationSubset = new NumberRange<Double>(Double.class, low, high);
                } else if (dim instanceof DimensionSliceType) {

                    // SLICING
                    final DimensionSliceType slicing = (DimensionSliceType) dim;
                    final String slicePointS = slicing.getSlicePoint();
                    final Double slicePoint = PARSER.parseDouble(slicePointS);

                    elevationSubset = new NumberRange<Double>(Double.class, slicePoint, slicePoint);
                } else {
                    throw new WCS20Exception(
                            "Invalid element found while attempting to parse dimension subsetting request: " + dim.getClass()
                            .toString(), WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");

            // right now we don't support trimming
            // TODO: revisit when we have some multidimensional output support
            if (!(reader instanceof StructuredGridCoverage2DReader) && elevationSubset != null && !elevationSubset.getMinValue().equals(elevationSubset.getMaxValue())) {
                throw new WCS20Exception("Trimming on elevation is not supported at the moment on not StructuredGridCoverage2DReaders, only slicing is");

            // apply nearest neighbor matching on elevation
            if (elevationSubset != null && elevationSubset.getMinValue().equals(elevationSubset.getMaxValue())) {
                interpolateElevation (elevationSubset, accessor);
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                        // SLICING
                        final DimensionSliceType slicing = (DimensionSliceType) dim;
                        setSubsetValue(dimension, slicing.getSlicePoint(), selectedValues);

                    } else {
                        throw new WCS20Exception(
                                "Invalid element found while attempting to parse dimension subsetting request: "
                                        + dim.getClass().toString(),
                                WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");
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        if (format == null) {
            return "image/tiff";
        } else {
            CoverageResponseDelegate delegate = responseFactory.encoderFor(format);
            if (delegate == null) {
                throw new WCS20Exception("Unsupported format " + format,
                        OWSExceptionCode.InvalidParameterValue, "format");
            } else {
                return format;
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        return results;

    private static void throwInvalidRangeException(String low, String high) {
        throw new WCS20Exception("Low greater than High: " + low + ", " + high,
        WCS20Exception.WCS20ExceptionCode.InvalidSubsetting, "subset");
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Related Classes of org.geoserver.wcs2_0.eo.response.DescribeEOCoverageSetTransformer

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