final List<DimensionBean> dimensions = helper.setupDimensions();
final String nativeName = cinfo.getNativeCoverageName();
final String coverageName = nativeName != null ? nativeName : reader.getGridCoverageNames()[0];
final GranuleStackImpl stack = new GranuleStackImpl(coverageName, reader.getCoordinateReferenceSystem(), dimensions);
// Geoserver max memory limit definition
long outputLimit = wcs.getMaxOutputMemory() * 1024;
long inputLimit = wcs.getMaxInputMemory() * 1024;
// Object value used for storing the sum of the output size of each internal coverage
ImageSizeRecorder incrementalOutputSize=new ImageSizeRecorder(outputLimit,false);
// Object used for storing the sum of the output size of each internal coverage
ImageSizeRecorder incrementalInputSize=new ImageSizeRecorder(inputLimit,true);
// Image size estimation
final int numRequests = requests.size();
final Iterator<GridCoverageRequest> requestsIterator = requests.iterator();
GridCoverageRequest firstRequest = requestsIterator.next();
GridCoverage2D firstCoverage = setupCoverage(helper, firstRequest, request, reader, hints, extensions, dimensions,
incrementalOutputSize, incrementalInputSize, coverageFactory);
// check the first coverage memory usage
long actual = incrementalInputSize.finalSize();
// Estimated size
long estimatedSize = actual*numRequests;
//Check if the estimated size is greater than that of the maximum output memory
// Limit check is performed only when the limit is defined
if(outputLimit > 0 && estimatedSize > outputLimit){
throw new WcsException("This request is trying to generate too much data, " +
"the limit is " + formatBytes(outputLimit) + " but the estimated amount of bytes to be " +
"written in the output is " + formatBytes(estimatedSize));
// If the estimated size does not exceed the limit, the first coverage is added to the GranuleStack
// Get a coverage for each subrequest
while (requestsIterator.hasNext()) {
GridCoverageRequest subRequest = requestsIterator.next();
GridCoverage2D singleCoverage = setupCoverage(helper, subRequest, request, reader, hints, extensions, dimensions,
incrementalOutputSize, incrementalInputSize, coverageFactory);
coverage = stack;
} else {
// IncrementalSize not used
coverage = setupCoverage(helper, gcr, request, reader, hints, extensions, null, null, null, coverageFactory);