if (configFileName == null) {
configFileName = "DEFAULT_LOGGING.properties";
LoggingInitializer.LOGGER.warning("No log4jConfigFile defined in services.xml: using 'DEFAULT_LOGGING.properties'");
Resource resource = resourceLoader.get( Paths.path("logs", configFileName) );
if( resource == null || resource.getType() == Type.UNDEFINED ){
//hmm, well, we don't have a log4j config file and this could be due to the fact
//that this is a data-dir upgrade. We can count on the DEFAULT_LOGGING.properties file
//being present on the classpath, so we'll upgrade their data_dir and then use the
//default DEFAULT_LOGGING.properties configuration.
LoggingInitializer.LOGGER.warning("log4jConfigFile '" + configFileName + "' couldn't be found in the data dir, so GeoServer will " +
"install the various logging config file into the data dir, and then try to find it again.");
Resource logs = resourceLoader.get( "logs" );
File lcdir = logs.dir();
//now we copy in the various logging config files from the base repo location on the classpath
final String[] lcfiles = new String[] {