Package org.geoserver.platform

Examples of org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException

            } else {
                final Style style = wms.getStyleByName(styleName);
                if (style == null) {
                    String msg = "No such style: " + styleName;
                    throw new ServiceException(msg, "StyleNotDefined");
        return styles;
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            if (crs != null) {
                final String srsName = "EPSG:" + crs;
                try {
                    qt.setSrsName(new URI(srsName));
                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                    throw new ServiceException(
                            "Unable to determite coordinate system for featureType "
                                    + fc.getSchema().getTypeName() + ".  Schema told us '"
                                    + srsName + "'", e);
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        final String layer = (String) rawKvp.get("LAYER");
        final boolean strict = rawKvp.containsKey("STRICT") ? Boolean.valueOf((String) rawKvp
                .get("STRICT")) : request.isStrict();
        if (strict && layer == null) {
            throw new ServiceException("LAYER parameter not present for GetLegendGraphic",
        if (strict && request.getFormat() == null) {
            throw new ServiceException("Missing FORMAT parameter for GetLegendGraphic",

        MapLayerInfo mli = null;
        if (layer != null) {
            LayerInfo layerInfo = wms.getLayerByName(layer);
            if (layerInfo == null) {
                throw new ServiceException(layer + " layer does not exist.");

            mli = new MapLayerInfo(layerInfo);

            try {
                if (layerInfo.getType() == Type.VECTOR) {
                    FeatureType featureType = mli.getFeature().getFeatureType();
                } else if (layerInfo.getType() == Type.RASTER) {
                    CoverageInfo coverageInfo = mli.getCoverage();

                    // it much safer to wrap a reader rather than a coverage in most cases, OOM can
                    // occur otherwise
                    final AbstractGridCoverage2DReader reader;
                    reader = (AbstractGridCoverage2DReader) coverageInfo.getGridCoverageReader(
                            new NullProgressListener(), GeoTools.getDefaultHints());
                    final SimpleFeatureCollection feature;
                    feature = FeatureUtilities.wrapGridCoverageReader(reader, null);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new ServiceException(e);
            } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) {
                throw new ServiceException(new StringBuffer(layer)
                        .append(" layer does not exists.").toString(), ne);
            } catch (Exception te) {
                throw new ServiceException("Can't obtain the schema for the required layer.", te);

        if (request.getFormat() == null) {
        if (null == wms.getLegendGraphicOutputFormat(request.getFormat())) {
            throw new ServiceException(new StringBuffer("Invalid graphic format: ").append(
                    request.getFormat()).toString(), "InvalidFormat");

        try {
            parseOptionalParameters(request, mli, rawKvp);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e);

        return request;
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        try {
            URL url = new URL(sldUrl);
            in = url.openStream();
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e, "Not a valid URL to an SLD document " + sldUrl,
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e, "Can't open the SLD URL " + sldUrl, "loadRemoteStyle");

        return parseSld(new InputStreamReader(in));
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        Style[] styles = null;

        try {
            styles = parser.readXML();
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e);

        if ((styles == null) || (styles.length == 0)) {
            throw new ServiceException("Document contains no styles");

        return styles;
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            if (sldRule == null) {
                throw new ServiceException("Style " + sldStyle.getName()
                        + " does not contains a rule named " + rule);

        return sldRule;
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                return (RegionatingStrategy) c.newInstance( gs );
            return (RegionatingStrategy)clazz.newInstance();
        } catch (Exception e){
            throw new ServiceException(e);
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    protected Envelope parseBbox(String bboxParam) throws ServiceException {
        Envelope bbox = null;
        Object[] bboxValues = readFlat(bboxParam, INNER_DELIMETER).toArray();

        if (bboxValues.length != 4) {
            throw new ServiceException(bboxParam + " is not a valid pair of coordinates",

        try {
            double minx = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[0].toString());
            double miny = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[1].toString());
            double maxx = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[2].toString());
            double maxy = Double.parseDouble(bboxValues[3].toString());
            bbox = new Envelope(minx, maxx, miny, maxy);

            if (minx > maxx) {
                throw new ServiceException("illegal bbox, minX: " + minx + " is "
                    + "greater than maxX: " + maxx);

            if (miny > maxy) {
                throw new ServiceException("illegal bbox, minY: " + miny + " is "
                    + "greater than maxY: " + maxy);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            throw new ServiceException(ex, "Illegal value for BBOX parameter: " + bboxParam,
                getClass().getName() + "::parseBbox()");

        return bbox;
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    protected List readCQLFilter(String filter) throws ServiceException {
        try {
            return XCQL.toFilterList(filter);
        } catch (CQLException pe) {
            throw new ServiceException("Could not parse CQL filter list." + pe.getMessage(), pe);
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        } catch (SAXException e) {
            //SAXException does not sets initCause(). Instead, it holds its own "exception" field.
            if(e.getException() != null && e.getCause() == null){
            throw new ServiceException(e, "XML getFeature request SAX parsing error",
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e, "XML get feature request input error",
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            throw new ServiceException(e, "Some sort of issue creating parser",

        LOGGER.fine("passing filter: " + contentHandler.getFilter());
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Related Classes of org.geoserver.platform.ServiceException

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