Package org.geoserver.ows

Examples of org.geoserver.ows.Request

        CodeType c = Ows11Factory.eINSTANCE.createCodeType();
        callback.operationDispatched(new Request(), op("GetCoverage", "WCS", "1.1.0", gc));
        assertEquals("acme:bar", data.getLayers().get(0));
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        ResourceAccessManager manager = buildManager("");
        SecureCatalogImpl sc = new SecureCatalogImpl(catalog, manager);

        // try with read only user and GetFeatures request
        Request request = org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock.createNiceMock(Request.class);

        // check a direct access does trigger a security challenge
        try {
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        try {
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        try {
            sc.getResourceByName("topp:states", FeatureTypeInfo.class);
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        try {
            sc.getResourceByName("nurc:arcgrid", CoverageInfo.class);
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        try {
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        try {
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        try {
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        try {
            fail("Should have failed with a security exception");
        } catch(SpringSecurityException e) {
        // try with a getCapabilities, make sure the lists are empty
        request = org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock.createNiceMock(Request.class);
        // check the lists used to build capabilities are empty
        assertEquals(0, sc.getFeatureTypes().size());
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     * Dumps the request
     * @param simpleFeatureCollection
    private void createRequestDump(File tempDir, GetFeatureType gft, SimpleFeatureCollection fc) {
        final Request request = Dispatcher.REQUEST.get();
        if(request == null || gft == null) {
            // we're probably running in a unit test
        // build the target file
        FeatureTypeInfo ftInfo = getFeatureTypeInfo(fc);
        String fileName = new FileNameSource(getClass()).getRequestDumpName(ftInfo) + ".txt";
        File target = new File(tempDir, fileName);
        try {
            if(request.isGet()) {
                final HttpServletRequest httpRequest = request.getHttpRequest();
                String url = httpRequest.getRequestURL().append("?").append(httpRequest.getQueryString()).toString();
                FileUtils.writeStringToFile(target, url);
            } else {
                org.geotools.xml.Configuration cfg = null;
                QName elementName = null;
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            // if in hide mode, we just hide the resource
            if (mode == CatalogMode.HIDE) {
                return WrapperPolicy.hide(limits);
            } else if (mode == CatalogMode.MIXED) {
                // if request is a get capabilities and mixed, we hide again
                Request request = Dispatcher.REQUEST.get();
                if(request != null && "GetCapabilities".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getRequest()))
                    return WrapperPolicy.hide(limits);
                // otherwise challenge the user for credentials
                    throw unauthorizedAccess(resourceName);
            } else {
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        tc.timeout = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        CountingController cc = new CountingController(2, 50);
        callback.provider = new DefaultFlowControllerProvider(tc);

        Request request = new Request();
        MockHttpServletResponse httpResponse = new MockHttpServletResponse();

        callback.operationDispatched(request, null);

        String delayHeader = httpResponse.getHeader(ControlFlowCallback.X_RATELIMIT_DELAY);
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     * Dumps the request
     * @param simpleFeatureCollection
    private void createRequestDump(File tempDir, GetFeatureRequest gft, SimpleFeatureCollection fc) {
        final Request request = Dispatcher.REQUEST.get();
        if(request == null || gft == null) {
            // we're probably running in a unit test
        // build the target file
        FeatureTypeInfo ftInfo = getFeatureTypeInfo(fc);
        String fileName = new FileNameSource(getClass()).getRequestDumpName(ftInfo) + ".txt";
        File target = new File(tempDir, fileName);
        try {
            if(request.isGet()) {
                final HttpServletRequest httpRequest = request.getHttpRequest();
                String baseUrl = ResponseUtils.baseURL(httpRequest);
                String path = request.getPath();
                //encode proxy url if existing
                String mangledUrl = ResponseUtils.buildURL(baseUrl, path, null, URLType.SERVICE);
                StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();
                String parameters = httpRequest.getQueryString();
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        assertFalse(controller.apply(buildRequest("WMS", "GETMAP", "application/pdf")));
        assertFalse(controller.apply(buildRequest("WMS", "GetFeatureInfo", "image/png")));

    Request buildRequest(String service, String request, String outputFormat) {
        Request r = new Request();

        return r;
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    public void testConcurrentRequestsSingleIPAddress() {
        // an ip based flow controller that will allow just one request at a time
        SingleIpFlowController controller = new SingleIpFlowController(1, "");
        String ipAddress = "";
        Request firstRequest = buildIpRequest(ipAddress, "");
        FlowControllerTestingThread tSample = new FlowControllerTestingThread(firstRequest,
                0, 0, controller);
        waitTerminated(tSample, MAX_WAIT);

        assertEquals(ThreadState.COMPLETE, tSample.state);

        String ip = firstRequest.getHttpRequest().getRemoteAddr();

        // make three testing threads that will "process" forever, and will use the ip to identify themselves
        // as the same client, until we interrupt them
        FlowControllerTestingThread t1 = new FlowControllerTestingThread(buildIpRequest(
                ip, ""), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, controller);
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    public void testConcurrentRequestsDifferentIPAddress() {
        SingleIpFlowController controller = new SingleIpFlowController(1, "");
        String ipAddress = "";
        Request firstRequest = buildIpRequest(ipAddress, "");
        FlowControllerTestingThread tSample = new FlowControllerTestingThread(firstRequest,
                0, 0, controller);
        waitTerminated(tSample, MAX_WAIT);

        assertEquals(ThreadState.COMPLETE, tSample.state);

        String ip = firstRequest.getHttpRequest().getRemoteAddr();

        FlowControllerTestingThread t1 = new FlowControllerTestingThread(buildIpRequest(
                ip, ""), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, controller);
        FlowControllerTestingThread t2 = new FlowControllerTestingThread(buildIpRequest(
                ip, ""), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, controller);
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    public void testConcurrentRequestsSingleUser() {
        // a cookie based flow controller that will allow just one request at a time
        UserConcurrentFlowController controller = new UserConcurrentFlowController(1);
        Request firstRequest = buildCookieRequest(null);
        FlowControllerTestingThread tSample = new FlowControllerTestingThread(firstRequest, 0,
                0, controller);
        waitTerminated(tSample, MAX_WAIT);
        Cookie cookie = (Cookie) ((MockHttpServletResponse) firstRequest.getHttpResponse()).getCookies().get(0);
        String cookieValue = cookie.getValue();
        // make three testing threads that will "process" forever, and will use the cookie to identify themselves
        // as the same client, until we interrupt them
        FlowControllerTestingThread t1 = new FlowControllerTestingThread(buildCookieRequest(cookieValue), 0,
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Related Classes of org.geoserver.ows.Request

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