throw new ServiceException(new StringBuffer(
"Internal error : unable to get reader for this coverage layer ")
} else if (layerType == MapLayerInfo.TYPE_WMS) {
WMSLayerInfo wmsLayer = (WMSLayerInfo) mapLayerInfo.getResource();
WebMapServer wms = wmsLayer.getStore().getWebMapServer(null);
Layer gt2Layer = wmsLayer.getWMSLayer(null);
// see if we can merge this layer with the previous one
boolean merged = false;
if (mapContext.getLayerCount() > 0) {
MapLayer lastLayer = mapContext.getLayer(mapContext.getLayerCount() - 1);
if (lastLayer instanceof WMSMapLayer) {
WMSMapLayer lastWMS = (WMSMapLayer) lastLayer;
WebMapServer otherWMS = lastWMS.getWebMapServer();
if (otherWMS.equals(wms)) {
merged = true;
if (!merged) {
WMSMapLayer mapLayer = new WMSMapLayer(wms, gt2Layer);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unkown layer type " + layerType);