protected String handleObjectPost(Object object) throws Exception {
String layer = getAttribute( "layer" );
if ( object instanceof StyleInfo ) {
StyleInfo style = (StyleInfo) object;
if ( layer != null ) {
StyleInfo existing = catalog.getStyleByName( style.getName() );
if ( existing == null ) {
//TODO: add a new style to catalog
throw new RestletException( "No such style: " + style.getName(), Status.CLIENT_ERROR_NOT_FOUND );
LayerInfo l = catalog.getLayerByName( layer );
l.getStyles().add( existing );
//check for default
String def = getRequest().getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm().getFirstValue("default");
if ( "true".equals( def ) ) {
l.setDefaultStyle( existing );
LOGGER.info( "POST style " + style.getName() + " to layer " + layer);
else {
catalog.add( style );
LOGGER.info( "POST style " + style.getName() );
return style.getName();
else if ( object instanceof Style ) {
Style style = (Style) object;
//figure out the name of the new style, first check if specified directly
String name = getRequest().getResourceRef().getQueryAsForm().getFirstValue( "name");
if ( name == null ) {
//infer name from sld
name = style.getName();
if ( name == null ) {
throw new RestletException( "Style must have a name.", Status.CLIENT_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST );
//ensure that the style does not already exist
if ( catalog.getStyleByName( name ) != null ) {
throw new RestletException( "Style " + name + " already exists.", Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN );
//serialize the style out into the data directory
GeoServerResourceLoader loader = catalog.getResourceLoader();
File f;
try {
f = loader.find( "styles/" + name + ".sld" );
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RestletException( "Error looking up file", Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, e );
if ( f != null ) {
String msg = "SLD file " + name + ".sld already exists.";
throw new RestletException( msg, Status.CLIENT_ERROR_FORBIDDEN);
//TODO: have the writing out of the style delegate to ResourcePool.writeStyle()
try {
f = loader.createFile( "styles/" + name + ".sld") ;
//serialize the file to the styles directory
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream ( f ) );
SLDFormat format = new SLDFormat(true);
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RestletException( "Error creating file", Status.SERVER_ERROR_INTERNAL, e );
//create a style info object
StyleInfo sinfo = catalog.getFactory().createStyle();
sinfo.setName( name );
sinfo.setFilename( f.getName() );
catalog.add( sinfo );
LOGGER.info( "POST SLD " + name);
return name;