// Check if the coverage is present
String content = response.getOutputStreamContent();
Document d = dom(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes()));
assertEquals("coverageStore", d.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
// Control if the coverage store is present
CoverageStoreInfo cs = getCatalog().getCoverageStoreByName(workspace, coverageStore);
// Control if the associated info are present
CoverageInfo ci = getCatalog().getCoverageByName(workspace, "usa");
// Check if the defined root is present
// Using DataUtilities.fileToURL in order to have the same URL encoding
String urlString = cs.getURL();
File urlFile = new File(urlString);
URL url = DataUtilities.fileToURL(urlFile);
File urlFileRoot = new File(DataUtilities.fileToURL(root).getPath());
URL urlRoot = DataUtilities.fileToURL(urlFileRoot);