final MapWidget map = new MapWidget("mapOsm", "gwt-samples");
map.setController(new PanController(map));
final Toolbar toolbar = new Toolbar(map);
// Create a custom controller that will be enabled/disabled by a button in the toolbar:
final GraphicsController customController = new AbstractGraphicsController(map) {
public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) {
Coordinate screenPosition = getScreenPosition(event);
Coordinate worldPosition = getWorldPosition(event);
SC.say(I18nProvider.getSampleMessages().customControllerScreenCoordinates() + " = " + screenPosition
+ "<br/>" + I18nProvider.getSampleMessages().customControllerWorldCoordinates() + " = "
+ worldPosition);
// Add the customController to the toolbar using a custom ToolbarModalAction button
toolbar.addModalButton(new ToolbarModalAction("[ISOMORPHIC]/geomajas/widget/target.gif", I18nProvider
.getSampleMessages().customToolbarToolsTooltip()) {
public void onSelect(ClickEvent event) {