This widget represents a grid of feature attributes, where many different features from a single layer are shown in rows on the grid. Each row represents a feature. To start working with this grid, it is necessary to first set a layer, so this widget can build it's grid header, and so it knows what type of data to expect.
Furthermore this grid has a few options to determine it's looks (on top of the basic SmartGWT options).
- selectionEnabled: when true, selected rows in the grid will result in selected features in the MapModel and vice versa.
- allAttributesDisplayed: show all attributes (true) or only the 'identifying' attributes (false)?
- editingEnabled: determines whether or not editing the attributes is allowed. When double clicking a row in the table, a {@link FeatureAttributeWindow} will appear, containing the feature of the row upon which was doubleclicked. This setting determines if the window allows editing or not.
- idInTable: show the feature's ID in the table. This is false by default, and should not really be necessary.
@author Pieter De Graef