String id = Long.toString(++commandCount); // NOTE this is not thread safe
// safe or cluster aware"{} execute command {} for user token {} in locale {}, request {}", new Object[] { id, commandName,
userToken, locale, request });
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
CommandResponse response;
String previousToken = securityContext.getToken();
boolean tokenIdentical;
if (null == userToken) {
tokenIdentical = false; // always need to *try* as otherwise login would never be possible
} else {
tokenIdentical = userToken.equals(previousToken);
try {
if (!tokenIdentical) {
// need to change security context
log.debug("login using token {}", userToken);
if (!securityManager.createSecurityContext(userToken)) {
// not authorized
response = new CommandResponse();
new GeomajasSecurityException(ExceptionCode.CREDENTIALS_MISSING_OR_INVALID, userToken));
response.setExecutionTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - begin);
return response;
// check access rights for the command
if (securityContext.isCommandAuthorized(commandName)) {
Command command = null;
try {
command = applicationContext.getBean(commandName, Command.class);
} catch (BeansException be) {
log.error("could not create command bean for {}", new Object[] { commandName }, be);
if (null != command) {
response = command.getEmptyCommandResponse();
try {
command.execute(request, response);
} catch (Throwable throwable) { //NOPMD
log.error("Error executing command", throwable);
} else {
response = new CommandResponse();
response.getErrors().add(new GeomajasException(ExceptionCode.COMMAND_NOT_FOUND, commandName));
} else {
// not authorized
response = new CommandResponse();
new GeomajasSecurityException(ExceptionCode.COMMAND_ACCESS_DENIED, commandName, securityContext
// Now process the errors for display on the client:
List<Throwable> errors = response.getErrors();
Locale localeObject = null;
if (null != errors && !errors.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("Command caused exceptions, to be passed on to caller:");
for (Throwable t : errors) {
String msg;
if (!(t instanceof GeomajasException)) {
msg = t.getMessage();
if (null == msg) {
msg = t.getClass().getName();
} else {
log.warn(msg, t);
} else {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("exception occurred {}, stack trace\n{}", t, t.getStackTrace());
if (null == localeObject && null != locale) {
localeObject = new Locale(locale);
msg = ((GeomajasException) t).getMessage(localeObject);
// For each exception, make sure the entire exception is sent to the client:
response.getExceptions().add(new ExceptionDto(t.getClass().getName(), msg, t.getStackTrace()));
response.setExecutionTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - begin);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("response:\n{}", response);
return response;
} finally {