WSRPPortlet createWSRPPortletFromPortletDescription(PortletDescription portletDescription)
ParameterValidation.throwIllegalArgExceptionIfNull(portletDescription, "PortletDescription");
String portletHandle = portletDescription.getPortletHandle();
log.debug("Extracting info for '" + portletHandle + "' portlet");
WSRPPortletInfo info = new WSRPPortletInfo(portletDescription, this);
WSRPPortlet wsrpPortlet = null;
if (info.isUsesMethodGet())
log.warn("Portlet '" + portletHandle
+ "' uses the GET method in forms. Since we don't handle this, this portlet will be excluded from " +
"the list of offered portlets for producer " + getId());
if (info.isHasUserSpecificState())
log.debug("Portlet '" + portletHandle + "' will store persistent state for each user.");
wsrpPortlet = new WSRPPortlet(PortletContext.createPortletContext(portletHandle, false), info);